Poinciana West Community Development District Agenda Package January 15, 2025 1 of 199 !!"#$% 2 of 199 Poinciana West Community Development District 219 E. Livingston Street, Orlando, Florida 32801 Phone: 407-841-5524 – Fax: 407-839-1526 January 8, 2025 Board of Supervisors Poinciana West Community Development District Dear Board Members: The Board of Supervisors of Poinciana West Community Development District will meet Wednesday, January 15, 2025 at 9:30 AM at the Gator Room, 385 Village Drive, Poinciana, Florida. Zoom Information for Members of the Public: Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89503079954 Dial-in Number: (646) 876-9923 Meeting ID: 895 0307 9954 Following is the advance agenda for the meeting: 1. Roll Call 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Public Comment Period on Agenda Items 4. Organizational Matters A. Review of Letter(s) of Interest/Resume(s) for Vacancies in Seats 2 & 5 B. Appointment of Individuals to Fulfill Seats 2 & 5 C. Administration of Oath of Office to Newly Elected Supervisor D. Election of Officers E. Consideration of Resolution 2025-02 Electing Officers 5. Approval of Minutes of the November 20, 2025 Audit Committee & Board of Supervisors Meetings 6. Ratification of Audit Engagement Letter with Grau & Associates 7. Consideration of Data Sharing and Usage Agreement with Polk County Property Appraiser 8. Review of Proposals for Professional Engineering Services A. Dewberry Engineers, Inc. B. Rayl Engineering & Surveying, LLC 9. Ratification of Proposal for Pond 19-A Stormwater Pond Repair Inspection 10. Staff Reports A. Attorney B. Engineer C. District Manager i. Check Register ii. Financials 3 of 199 4 of 199 D. Field Manager’s Report i. Field Manager’s Report ii. Pond Maintenance Report iii. Midge Management Report iv. Customer Complaint Log v. Consideration of Proposal for Hydroraking of Pond 16 10. Supervisor's Requests 11. General Audience Comments 12. Other Business 13. Next Meeting Date- March 19, 2025; The Gator Room 14. Adjournment SECTION IV 5 of 199 SECTION A 6 of 199 7 of 199 Leonard Kirschbrown 316 Monterey Street Poinciana, Florida 34759 Re: Open PWCDD board position To whom it may concern I have lived in Solivita for ten years with a settling pond in my backyard and am very familiar with the environmental drawings associated with the Solivita Construction drawings entered in the environmental data base. My experience with budgets, design, construction, operation, contract reviews etc. would be a great help in the maintaining and operating of the ponds and storm drain systems found in the Solivita Poinciana West Development District area of responsibility. Please see attached Resume for experience details Thank you for you consideration Leonard (Len) Kirschbrown 8 of 199 Leonard Kirschbrown 316 Monterey Street Poinciana, Florida 34759 Background: Obtained a BSME from the University of South Carolina, Columbia SC June 1981. Worked for Duke Energy for 37 years and during my employment have been involved in the design, construction, and operation of settling ponds, water basins, underground piping, water treatment systems and pumping stations. The largest project worked on was a 2.4 billion dollar state of the art environmental power plant where I was initially involved in the design, contract assembly, and bidding review and ended being on the team of field engineers overseeing the construction and startup of the facility. The last project I worked on was a 350 million dollar retrofit project where I was involved in the design, construction and startup of a massive chiller system at the Hines Power Station in Bartow Florida. SECTION E 9 of 199 2RESOLUTION 22002255--00 10 of 199 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE POINCIANA WEST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ELECTING THE OFFICERS OF THE DISTRICT AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the Poinciana West Community Development District (the “District”) is a local unit of special purpose government created and existing pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the District (“Board”) desires to elect the Officers of the District. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE POINCIANA WEST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT: Section 1. ______ _____ is elected Chairperson. Section 2. _____ _________ is elected Vice-Chairperson. Section 3. ______George Flint________ is elected Secretary. Section 4. ______ is elected Assistant Secretary. ______Tricia Adams _______ is elected Assistant Secretary. _________________________ is elected Assistant Secretary. ______ _____ is elected Assistant Secretary. Section 5. _______Jill Burns_________ is elected Treasurer. Section 6. _______Patti Powers________is elected Assistant Treasurer. Section 7. _______Katie Costa________is elected Assistant Treasurer. Section 8. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of January, 2025. ATTEST: POINCIANA WEST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT _________________________________ ____________________________________ Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairperson/Vice-Chairperson MINUTES 11 of 199 12 of 199 MINUTES OF MEETING POINCIANA WEST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The Audit Committee meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Poinciana West Community Development District was held on Wednesday, November 20, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. via Zoom Communication Media Technology and in The Gator Room, 385 Village Drive, Poinciana, Florida. Present were: Peggy Gregory Chair Roy LaRue Dr. Maneck Master Also present were: Tricia Adams District Manager The following is a summary of the discussions and actions taken at the November 20, 2024 Poinciana West Community Development District’s Audit Committee Meeting. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Ms. Adams called the Audit Committee meeting to order at 11:15 p.m. A quorum was present. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period There being no comments, the next item followed. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Audit Services Ms. Adams reported that based on discussion with Chair and District Council, due to the lack of availability of Berger, Toombs, Elam, Gaines & Frank, to deliver audit services on time, staff solicited for audit services. The form of notice was reviewed and approved by District Counsel. Mr. Clark confirmed that this was typical of what the District needed to do, in order to comply with Chapter 218 of the Florida Statutes, which governs local finance. The process was 13 of 199 Poinciana West CDD November 20, 2024 Audit Committee Meeting Page 2 of 3 for the Board to approve the instructions and notice that were sent out and then review the proposals that were received. A. Approval of Request for Proposals and Selection Criteria B. Approval of Notice of Request for Proposals for Audit Services C. Public Announcement of Opportunity to Provide Auditing Services Ms. Adams presented the standard Request for Proposals (RFP), selection criteria, notice and public announcement in order for the Board to seek proposals. These documents were released as a result of the solicitation and the Board was taking action to ratify the actions of the District Manager and the Chair of the Poinciana West CDD. Dr. Master questioned how the auditor was selected the last time. Ms. Adams stated that the Board completed the same process. Mr. Clark confirmed that it was a statutory process. On MOTION by Dr. Master seconded by Ms. Gregory with all in favor approval and release of the Request for Proposals, Selection Criteria, notice and public announcement were ratified. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Review & Ranking of Audit Proposals A. DiBartolomeo, McBee, Hartley & Barnes B. Grau & Associates Ms. Adams reported that two proposals were received in response to the RFP: one from DiBartolomeo, McBee, Hartley & Barnes and the other from Grau & Associates (Grau). Ranking sheets were provided to the Board. Rather than doing individual rankings, she recommended that the Board do a consensus ranking. Both firms completed many audits for Community Development Districts throughout Florida and could competently and capably prepare audits and provide on time. Ms. Adams recommended the following ranking: 1) Ability of Personnel: Awarding DiBartolomeo 19 points and Grau 20 points, as Grau had been doing audits longer and had more experience than DiBartolomeo, 2) Proposer’s Experience: Awarding Grau 20 points and DiBartolomeo 19 points, due to Grau's length of experience being greater than DiBartolomeo, 3) Understanding of Scope of Work: Awarding Grau 20 points and DiBartolomeo 20 points, 4) Ability to Furnish the Required Services: Awarding Grau 20 points and DiBartolomeo 20 points and 5) Price: Awarding Grau 20 points and DiBartolomeo 19 points, as Grau proposed $18,000 for five years and DiBartolomeo proposed $18,600 for five years. Ms. 2 14 of 199 Poinciana West CDD November 20, 2024 Audit Committee Meeting Page 3 of 3 Adams reported that once the Board selected an auditor, they could renew through an annual engagement letter, for up to five years. Ms. Gregory agreed. Based on the ranking, Grau received 100 points and was ranked number one and DiBartolomeo received 98 points and was ranked number two On MOTION by Ms. Gregory seconded by Dr. Master with all in favor accepting the ranking of Grau & Associates as the number one ranked firm to provide auditing services and DiBartolomeo, McBee, Hartley & Barnes number two was approved. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On MOTION by Ms. Gregory seconded by Dr. Master with all in favor the Audit Committee meeting was adjourned. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman 3 15 of 199 16 of 199 MINUTES OF MEETING POINCIANA WEST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Poinciana West Community Development District was held on Wednesday, November 20, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. via Zoom Communication Media Technology and in The Gator Room, 385 Village Drive, Poinciana, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Peggy Gregory Chair Roy LaRue Vice Chairman Dr. Maneck Master Assistant Secretary Also present were: Tricia Adams District Manager Scott Clark via Zoom District Counsel Joel Blanco GMS Field Staff Cherrief Jackson Clarke Midge Control Residents The following is a summary of the discussions and actions taken at the November 20, 2024 Poinciana West Community Development District’s Board of Supervisors Meeting. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Ms. Adams called the meeting to order and called the roll at 9:31 a.m. A quorum was present. SECOND ORDER OF BUSNESS Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period on Agenda Items There being no comments, the next item followed. Poinciana West CDD 17 of 199West CDD 17 of 199 November 20, 2024 FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes of the July 17, 2024 Meeting Ms. Adams presented the draft minutes of the July 17, 2024 Board of Supervisors meeting, which were included in the agenda package and reviewed by District management staff and District Counsel. Mr. LaRue questioned whether the application form for a French drain, was completed. Ms. Adams confirmed that it was completed. There were no corrections to the minutes. On MOTION by Dr. Master seconded by Mr. LaRue with all in favor the Minutes of the July 17, 2024 Meeting were approved as presented. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2025-01 Declaring Board Vacancies Ms. Adams welcomed Dr. Master back to the Board who qualified for his seat and will serve another four year term. There were a total of three seats included in the General Election. His new term of office started on November 19th. The Oath of Office was administered prior to the meeting. Resolution 2025-01 memorialized that there were three seats up for General Election; two of which did not have any qualified electors and must be declared vacant. Seat 3 was previously held by Mr. Ed Smith; however, he moved out of the District and was no longer a qualified elector. The other seat was Seat 4, which was previously vacant. On MOTION by Mr. LaRue seconded by Ms. Gregory with all in favor Resolution 2025-01 Declaring Board Vacancies in Seats 3 and 4 Pursuant to Section 190.006(3)(b), Florida Statutes and Providing for Severability and an Effective Date was adopted. Ms. Adams recalled that when there were previous Board vacancies, Board Members directed District Management staff to send out a letter to qualified electors, notifying them of the Board vacancies, so that they could either submit a resume or a letter of interest. The Board could then review candidates and make appointments by motion. Ms. Gregory voiced concern about lax communication. On November 9th, Ms. Gregory requested email addresses from Ms. Janet Nolan, of all the neighborhood captains, but there has been no response. Ms. Adams proposed utilizing the street captains email messaging system, the Association email, at the 2 18 of 199 November 20, 2024 Poinciana West CDD beginning of December and after the first of the year. Dr. Master pointed out that most Solivita residents did not know which CDD they lived in. Ms. Adams would include clarifying information about CDD boundaries with the notice. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Review of Request for Installation of Security Fence Ms. Adams reported that staff received a request from Mr. Rudy Bautista in September, to install an eight-foot aluminum security fence nearby Pond P-16. The request was included in the agenda package. The areas identified in red, were requested by the HOA; however, field services staff reviewed the map and it bifurcates the outfall structure. There was a suggestion to move it, the location proposed by Field Staff was identified in blue. If the Board wanted to authorize the installation of a security fence, District Counsel recommended entering into a License Agreement, as it would include protections and indemnifications for the District, as well as responsibilities for the installation and maintenance. Mr. Scott questioned whether there was a need for gates, so that mowers could get access. Mr. Blanco explained that there was access from the other side, leading into Presido Park. Mr. LaRue assumed that the HOA was paying for the fence. Ms. Adams pointed out in the License Agreement, the HOA would be responsible to purchase, install, maintain and insure the fence in perpetuity. On MOTION by Mr. LaRue seconded by Dr. Master with all in favor the request from the HOA for the installation of a security fence subject to District Counsel preparing a License Agreement was approved. Dr. Master questioned whether the purpose of the security fence, was to prevent individuals from coming into the gate. Ms. Adams assumed that it would prevent pedestrian foot traffic. Mr. LaRue believed that the HOA looked at where there could potentially be issues but recalled that there were no issues. Mr. Clark requested that someone provide a new exhibit with the correct markings, versus the alternatives. Ms. Adams would obtain one. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Review of Proposals for Professional Engineering Services A. Dewberry Engineers, Inc. 3 November 20, 2024 , 2024 Poinciana West CDD 19 of 199 B. Rayl Engineering & Surveying, LLC Ms. Adams recalled that the Board directed staff to submit Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for engineering services and a result, two proposals were received. One proposal was received from Dewberry Engineers, Inc. (Dewberry) and the other from Rayl Engineering & Surveying, LLC. (Rayl), which were included in the agenda package. If the Board was satisfied with these two proposals, the action from the Board, would be to rank the firms and direct staff to negotiate an agreement. The two firms were highly qualified and worked with many Community Development Districts (CDDs) in Central Florida. She had worked with both firms and they were amenable to attending meetings on Zoom, to save on travel expenses. Mr. LaRue asked if their rates were included. Ms. Adams explained in an RFQ, rates were not submitted but would be happy to request their 2025 rate sheets and provide at the next meeting. Mr. Clark advised that the language in the Statute, was to choose the firms based on experience and then negotiate the rate, but the Board could request their rates beforehand and discuss before making a decision. Mr. LaRue preferred to see their rates, specifically their Zoom meeting rate. Ms. Gregory questioned whether Mr. Clark would draft an agreement, once the Board selected a firm and if the term could be for 12 months. Mr. Clark stated there would be an annual contract with an automatic renewal, unless either party decided to terminate it. Ms. Gregory requested that 30 days before the auto renew date, any increase in hourly prices, be provided to the Board. Mr. Clark pointed out that the auto renewal would renew at the same price, unless the Board agreed to an increase. Ms. Adams indicated that the incumbent engineer was willing to serve on a month-to-month basis, until the Board selected a new District Engineer. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Appointment of Audit Committee and Chairman Ms. Adams reported that as a Florida independent special purpose government, each year, CDDs were required to undergo an annual independent audit. The way that the selection process worked was that the Board would appoint an Audit Committee, Staff recommended that the CDD Board appoint the Board of Supervisors as the Audit Committee. Instead of adjourning this meeting, the Board would recess the meeting to have an Audit Committee meeting and then continue the Board meeting. 4 November 20, 2024 , 2024 Poinciana West CDD 20 of 199 On MOTION by Dr. Master seconded by Mr. LaRue with all in favor appointing the Board of Supervisors as the Audit Committee was approved. Ms. Adams reported that the District previously had an agreement for audit services with Berger, Toombs, Elam, Gaines & Frank (Berger, Toombs); however, they failed to complete many audits for CDDs on time this year, which were required to be filed by June 30th. Dr. Master questioned the reason why. Ms. Adams indicated there were likely staffing issues. Ms. Gregory was informed by a partner at Berger, Toombs, that they could not hire anyone. Ms. Adams pointed out that this District’s audit was filed on time, but because so many were still outstanding, staff felt that it was prudent to bring this matter to the Board’s attention, so they could select a different auditor. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Mr. Clark was working on issues that were discussed at meetings and drafted materials as needed. There were no other issues to report to the Board. Ms. Gregory questioned the status of the goals and objectives and the ethics training. Ms. Adams confirmed that the District was in compliance with the goals and objectives requirement. Mr. Clark indicated that the ethics training was an annual process. It was required to be completed by December 31st of this year and when filing their Form 1 by July, there was box to report that the ethics training was completed. Ms. Gregory questioned whether there were any new statutes or regulations that would affect CDDs next year. Mr. Clark stated that there was something new every year and would monitor the pre-file bills in the next month or so and track anything that goes through the Legislature. Ms. Adams requested that Mr. Clark explain the new affidavit that was required for human trafficking, as a result of the last Legislative session. Mr. Clark explained that all local governments were required to obtain an affidavit when they entered into a contract with a vendor. The vendor must certify that none of its employees or its business was involved with human trafficking. It was a standard affidavit that they prepared and attached to their form agreements. B. Engineer There being no comments, the next item followed. 5 November 20, 2024 , 2024 Poinciana West CDD 21 of 199 C. District Manager Ms. Adams reported that Ms. Gregory informed her by phone on Monday evening, that Solivita residents were accessing CDD property and performing maintenance activities on and around the stormwater ponds. This was something that they wanted to deter and discussed sending out a statement through the Electronic Mail Distribution System as well as an including a reminder in the Reflections newsletter. Since the Poinciana CDD also had an interest in communicating with residents, she proposed that there be a joint Poinciana CDD and Poinciana West CDD statement, as the information was generic and applicable no matter where someone lived in Solivita. District staff circulated a letter via electronic mail, to give Board Members an opportunity to review it. Mr. LaRue recalled that the ponds were inspected every two weeks. Mr. Blanco confirmed that the aquatic maintenance vendor was onsite three times per week. Ms. Adams would amend the language that the vendor inspected or treated on a regular or as needed basis. Mr. LaRue questioned how often each pond was inspected. Mr. Blanco stated according to the reports, the ponds were inspected at least once a month. Ms. Adams would change the letter to say that the ponds would be inspected monthly and treated as needed. Ms. Gregory requested that the language, “If a pond was treated, it could not be treated again for two weeks,” remain. Dr. Master suggested saying, “Once an issue was identified, the pond would be treated, but they could not do anything to it for two weeks, as required by the State.” Regarding Item 4, Mr. LaRue wanted let residents know, that they were now treating within 3 feet of the edge. Ms. Adams would include, “3 feet around the pond perimeter.” Ms. Gregory recalled that she mentioned at yesterday’s HOA meeting, if residents were caught damaging any of the grasses, littoral plantings and fish, around easements and beds, they would be prosecuted and requested a reminder be placed in Reflections, as the District had a permit through the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). Ms. Adams would include language about trespassing. Ms. Gregory felt that there should be education about what happens when everything turned brown in the pond and where it goes. Mr. Blanco felt that he did a good job of educating residents on the spraying process. Usually, the color was an indication of how the spraying takes effect. It starts with green, turns yellow and eventually dark brown, losing size and mass. Ms. Gregory requested that there be an explanation in the first paragraph of the letter, as a public service announcement, along with the restrictions and ramifications, if residents did 6 22 of 199 November 20, 2024 Poinciana West CDD not comply. Ms. Adams would make the following changes: 1) The first bullet point would say, “Monthly and treated as needed,” 2) A note would be included regarding ponds that were treated, the language would be expand on how the algae could become discolored before it drops down into the pond and a reminder that it was never appropriate or acceptable for residents to perform maintenance activities on CDD property, 3) There would be language that illegal trespassing that would be taken seriously by the Board and 4) The second paragraph would state, “These stormwater ponds are subject to the impact of Mother Nature and weather conditions.” Ms. Adams would obtain feedback from the Poinciana CDD Board, incorporate all comments into the final document and circulate to both CDD Boards. i. Approval of Check Register Ms. Adams presented the Check Register for September 1, 2024 through September 30, 2024 totaling $13,090.05, which included the detailed invoices and Check Run Summary. On MOTION by Ms. Gregory seconded by Dr. Master with all in favor the Check Register as stated above was approved. ii. Financials Ms. Adams presented the Unaudited Financials through the end of September 30, 2024, which were included in the agenda package. No Board action was required. This was the end of the fiscal year and the unassigned balance would be used until CDD fees were received. The Debt Service Fund was managed by the Trustee. Ms. Gregory explained for Dr. Master, that on the investment side, there was the State Board of Administration account (SBA) and a CD that came due, when he was unavailable. It was for 12 months but would come due in September. The $158,000 was rolled into a money market, which was paying 5.15%. Dr. Master was amenable to all of this. Ms. Adams explained that these financials were through the end of September and did not reflect the new maturity date. The General Fund showed actuals through the end of the Fiscal Year, as well as any variance. The Board did an excellent job of controlling expenses. Ms. Gregory understand that they could not get an insurance rate until September. Ms. Adams explained that they obtained a rate through EGIS, as two other vendors refused to provide a proposal, due to the District not meeting their minimum threshold for insurance. As directed by the Board, staff relocated funds from the SBA account, to purchase a CD or to a money market. 7 Poinciana West CDD 23 of 199West CDD 23 of 199 November 20, 2024 A 12-month CD matured on October 25th and the CD rates for both the 6-and 12-month products, were lower than the money market. Dr. Master requested a column in the Investment Summery for the interest in dollars. Ms. Gregory pointed out that banks typically did not provide a CD with a monthly interest amount and provided it at the end of the term. Ms. Adams would check with the accountant, but on the financials, there was interest income for a 12-month period, which was $37,900. D. Field Manager’s Report i. Field Manager’s Report ii. Pond Maintenance Report iii. Midge Management Report iv. Customer Complaint Log Mr. Blanco presented the Field Manager, Pond Maintenance and Midge Management Reports and Customer Complaint Log, which were included in the agenda package. GMS staff continued to review ponds throughout the District. They were starting to experience a minor drop in water levels, due to the start of the dry season. Along with the algae bloom, the vendor was spraying excessive grasses beyond the allowable 3 feet. The majority of the treated grasses appeared brown and decreased in size. The vendor was following up with additional spraying, when allowed. Ponds P-8 and P-16 were being monitored, as they were experiencing most of the issues. Several spray treatments via a boat, were taking affect. • Review of Proposal to Hydro Rake Pond 16 Mr. Blanco reported that a proposal for manual treatment at Pond P-16, was requested at the request of the Board, but Solitude did not provide it in time for the meeting. However, someone would be out to take measurements of what could be excavated by hydro rake and as soon as he received the proposal, he would include it on an agenda or forward it to the Board for review. Mr. LaRue requested that staff perform the work immediately and not wait. Ms. Adams suggested that the Board could delegate authority to the Chair to approve the proposal, if that was the desire of the Board and it would be provided to the Board at the next meeting for ratification. Mr. Blanco explained that typically manually treatment was performed on ponds experiencing excessive edge grasses, such as Pond P-16, but since they started spray treatments, the grasses decreased in size. Last week, it decreased significantly, but due to the irregularity of 8 Poinciana West CDD 24 of 199West CDD 24 of 199 November 20, 2024 the weather, it had been dying and reviving. However, if the Board wanted to go in this direction, they could rake the dead grass out of the pond. Ms. Gregory questioned the process. Mr. Blanco explained that a smaller boat would use a crane and a rake, to dredge out excessive edge grasses that were beyond 3 feet. Ms. Gregory pointed out that when the vendor came out with their boat, there were few edge grasses, so they backed off, but down the middle of the pond, there was an island and asked the vendor to scoop it out, but they claimed that it would go down. Mr. LaRue questioned whether Pond P-16 was overgrown. Ms. Adams recalled that a Board Member requested that it be raked and that was the reason a proposal was being secured. Mr. Blanco pointed out that he provided periodic updates on Pond P-16 and at some point, it was overgrown. They were currently performing treatments and there was significant progress, as of last week, no islands were present, but there was a buffer of brown grasses that were growing along some of the edges of the pond. Mr. LaRue questioned whether hydro raking occurred in Solivita in the past. Mr. Blanco did not recall any since he had been in Solivita. Ms. Gregory questioned the cost. Mr. Blanco requested a proposal to provide the actual cost, versus an approximate cost and would follow up with the vendor to expedite the proposal. Mr. LaRue thanked Mr. Blanco for all of his hard work. Mr. Blanco reported that GMS staff continued to review all CDD landscaping areas throughout the District. During their post-hurricane review, a downed tree was discovered on the easement of Dry Pond P-1. The landscaping vendor was notified and scheduled the tree for removal. The landscaping overall remained in satisfactory standards, as there were clean and tidy easements at the end of residents’ property lines and pond banks were at appropriate height levels. A number of dry ponds were mowed prior to the start of the dry season and appear evenly mowed throughout, including skimmer stations. v. Review of Proposal for Drain Repair to Wire Box 19A vi. Review of Proposal to Remove Vegetation at Dry Pond Outlets 1 and 3 Mr. Blanco reported that two pond outlet areas were found with excessive vegetation, as well as a drain connecting to the weir box at Pond P-19A, was leaking at the seams, sprouting water in several areas. An estimate was provided for GMS staff to repair the seam at the weir box and removing the vegetation at the two outlet areas at Ponds P-1 and P-3. A leak stopper would be used to address the leaking at the seams, as well as the holes, due to the amount of mildew and moisture, as the seams were not covered well. Mr. LaRue inquired whether P-19 was 9 25 of 199 November 20, 2024 Poinciana West CDD one of the new ponds. Mr. Blanco stated that Pond P-19A was conveyed last year. Ms. Adams requested that the proposal be amended to reflect Pond P-19A instead of Pond P-16A. GMS had a field team that could be mobilized for these small projects and if the Board wanted GMS to perform this work, the total cost would be $564.27. On MOTION by Ms. Gregory seconded by Dr. Master with all in favor the Proposal for GMS to remove vegetation at Dry Pond Outlets 1 and 3 in the amount of $564.27 was approved. vii. Review of Proposal to Hydro Rake Pond 16 This item was discussed. • Pond Maintenance Report (Con’t) Mr. LaRue appreciated that chemicals were included on the Midge Management Report and they were now treating Pond P-6, but questioned whether Pond P-15 was added, as it had midges on a fairly routine basis and was treated in July, August and October. Ms. Jackson confirmed that P-5, P-6, P-8 and P-9 were in their contract to receive larvicide, but if they received complaints, they would spray. There was nothing preventative to keep it from having a problem and assumed that Pond P-15 was a one-time treatment. Mr. LaRue pointed out that it was treated for three months and recalled that the point of controlling the midges, was to keep treating it. Ms. Jackson explained that Clarke treated the ponds every month, unless they see a need to treat a particular pond. Mr. LaRue questioned how they could see that it needed to be treated. Ms. Jackson did not know the criteria, but there was a pattern. If they did not see anything, they could skip one pond and spray a pond that was not on their list, so they were not using more product than they were supposed to. Mr. LaRue pointed out that their contract was to specifically treat Ponds P-5, P-6, P-8 and P-9, but did not want to stop treating because they did not see anything. Ms. Jackson explained that their program provided for backpack pre-hatch treatments for Ponds P-5, P-6, P-8 and P-9 as needed, up to 21 acres. Mr. LaRue requested clarification on the deep-water treatment. Ms. Jackson recalled that Clarke performed a one-time treatment, to see what happened. Mr. LaRue did not want them to treat Pond P-15 instead of Pond P-6, as Pond P-6 was not treated for several months. Ms. Jackson believed that Pond P-6 was being treated with a larvicide 10 Poinciana West CDD 26 of 199West CDD 26 of 199 November 20, 2024 and was in the contract to be treated and would confirm that they were not switching the ponds, as ponds in the contract were not just sprayed to keep everyone comfortable. Mr. LaRue requested a copy of the current contract. Ms. Adams would provide it to all Board Members. Mr. Blanco reported that Pond P-19A was reviewed in late August or early September and at that time, they noticed that water levels were drastically low. They investigated the stormwater system, which Ms. Leo was involved with and with her guidance, it was concluded that Taylor Morrison’s (TM) dewatering of a community across from this one, was causing the low water levels in this pond, as well as erosion that needed to be repaired. As a result, staff contacted them to inform them of what was occurring and they sent out a vendor to evaluate the three areas of erosion and would provide a proposal. Ms. Adams pointed out that staff was in communication with TM and also contacted Lennar, who was partnering with TM on this project, but in order to document the situation, it may be prudent to direct District Counsel to send a letter, to ensure that TM take responsibility for the repairs, because they were not responding in a timely manner. Ms. Gregory requested that Mr. Clark be involved in this process, rather than continuing to have conversations with TM and that he review any proposal for TM to reimburse the District, to ensure that the CDD was not being slighted by TM. Ms. Adams reported that TM proposed to provide the scope of the repairs and pay the vendor and CDD staff would ensure that the District Engineer approved the scope and inspected the work. In the interim, Mr. Clark would communicate to put TM on notice. Ms. Gregory requested that if it was detrimental that the work be performed immediately, the work should be completed, but any contractual obligations between the CDD and TM, should be through Mr. Clark. Dr. Master agreed. Mr. Clark indicated that he would speak to Ms. Adams after the meeting, to ensure that he had all of the documents. Ms. Adams pointed out that she forwarded email correspondence to Mr. Clark and would coordinate with him, but had not received the proposal for repairs. Mr. LaRue asked if they were not getting proper water flow into the pond from across the street, due to the dewatering of the pond. Mr. Blanco confirmed that dewatering a pond affected the water table and their excavation of a huge pond in Westview, affected the CDD’s water levels. Ms. Gregory questioned whether they needed a permit. Mr. Blanco assumed so. Ms. Gregory believed that there should have been some type of notice to the CDD, based the CDD’s proximity to the pond and the fact that they were affecting the water table. Dr. Master felt that SFWMD should be involved. Ms. Gregory 11 Poinciana West CDD 27 of 199West CDD 27 of 199 November 20, 2024 requested that Mr. Clark send a cease-and-desist letter. Mr. Clark preferred to know the facts first, as there were permit conditions that they may not be in compliance with. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests Dr. Master questioned whether two Board Members needed to be present at all meetings, since there were only three members on the Board, in order to establish a quorum. Mr. Clark confirmed that two Board Members needed to be present; although there were certain things that he did not like to do, when there was a three-member Board, but business could be conducted with two Board Members. Dr. Master wanted to attend a meeting by phone, if two were present and heard that this was not the case. Mr. Clark viewed a quorum of two, when there were only three Board Members, as sufficient and if two Board Members were in the room, one could attend by phone. Ms. Gregory reported that at the HOA meeting held yesterday, which she attended, HOA counsel, Mr. Norman Gundel, discussed the class action lawsuit and the fact that he personally filed a lawsuit, to turn over of all of the club facilities from TM to the CDD for free. However, it was thrown out by the judge and. There was also discussion about the fact that the President of the HOA, Mr. Larry Anson, had conversations with TM and the fact that TM did not want to turn over the facilities for free and wanted the CDD to pay them $26 million without an appraisal. When this was first contemplated six years ago, the appraisal for these facilities were worth $21 million and now they were worth $26 million. She and Mr. Jim Edge inquired about closing contingencies, as well as due diligence projects, but another HOA Board Member informed her that there would be none because, “We've just cured it all as we've gone along these last few years.” Mr. Anson offered to provide full transparency and Ms. Gregory asked him if he would take any potential turnover to a vote of the residents, now that all of the homes were completed, but Mr. Anson said no. At that point in time, Mr. Anson informed her that he had numerous conversations with Mr. Tony Reed, Chairman of the Poinciana CDD and there was no objection to paying the $26 million. Mr. LaRue pointed out this was not true. Ms. Gregory recalled that Mr. Reed said it twice, which was reflected in the HOA minutes and she thought it would be nice if some of the members of the HOA, could include members of both CDDs on their committee, to discuss the numbers and consequences, since the CDDs were as much a part of this and the HOA had no 12 Poinciana West CDD 28 of 199West CDD 28 of 199 November 20, 2024 way to pay for it. She wanted to advise District Counsel on what was coming, since homes were not built. The irony was that the HOA provided TM with a list of items that needed to be completed, which amounted to $26.5 million, including $20 million worth of roadwork. Ms. Adams inquired whether the $26.5 million in pending work, was due to the HOA. Ms. Gregory explained that it was a post-closing document, which she would forward to Ms. Adams when she arrived home. The purpose of this discussion was in order for Mr. Clark to be informed, as they would need to have discussions about this matter and wanted the HOA Board to be aware of the fact that they must include members of both CDD Boards, which Mr. Anson said that he would. Mr. Clark cautioned Ms. Gregory to abide by the Sunshine Law, if multiple Supervisors needed to be involved and pointed out that he was aware of this matter and was involved in a failed deal to force a sale of the amenities but questioned whether part of the deal would be bond funding. Ms. Adams confirmed that it was not recently discussed at a CDD meeting. Dr. Master recalled that it was discussed in the past. Ms. Gregory pointed out six years ago, a $600 million deal was discussed and this issue came about yesterday, when the HOA Board was discussing nonsense about people damaging CDD property. Ms. Adams questioned whether Ms. Gregory had the perception that the HOA was planning to make the acquisition unilaterally and not involve the CDDs in any way. Ms. Gregory indicated that yesterday was the first time she heard about it, because the President of the HOA stated that he was in negotiations with TM, but she informed him that it was important for the residents to know if TM was going to buy something, when they were going to do so and the amount it was going to cost residents. If they went out for a full vote, the HOA Board would either not get their way or it would not pass, but questioned what TM would do with their facilities, since they did not want to give it to the CDD for free and she did not want another Tax Bill. Dr. Master wanted to give TM a chance to negotiate to a price that may be acceptable to residents and questioned whether the HOA had the right to negotiate without the CDDs. Mr. Clark pointed out that they could, if they were going to purchase it with their own money. Ms. Gregory questioned how they would pay for it. Mr. LaRue believed that the CDD could float a bond for them. Mr. Clark advised if the CDD floated the bond, the CDD would become the owner, which caused issues of public access and ownership. Ms. Gregory believed that the easiest way to address this, was for the HOA to sit down and have a discussion to think this through. If they wanted to proceed, they should go out on their own, but not expect the CDD to 13 Poinciana West CDD 29 of 199West CDD 29 of 199 November 20, 2024 pay for it, if the CDD would not be part of it. Mr. LaRue assumed if the HOA was going to approach the CDD, it must be at open meetings. Mr. Clark confirmed that discussions must occur at an open public meeting and recommended that the Board appoint a representative to negotiate with the HOA. Dr. Master questioned why the HOA would agree to the CDD paying $26 million. Ms. Gregory did not know. Ms. Gregory reminded Mr. Clark to be ready to respond, as this item would be brought to his attention. Mr. Clark appreciated it. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS General Audience Comments Ms. Jackson reported that Clarke treated both sides Pond P-15 but wondered if it was accidentally. Last year, she recommended adding Ponds P-15 and P-16, due to repeat problems, but did not think this was why it was treated, as earlier this year, a resident complained about their pond not being larvicided. Mr. LaRue believed that they treated Pond P-15 instead of Pond P-6. TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business There being no comments, the next item followed. THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Meeting Date – January 15, 2024; The Gator Room Ms. Adams reported that the next meeting was scheduled for January 15, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. in The Gator Room. FOURTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Continuance On MOTION by Dr. Master seconded by Mr. LaRue with all in favor recessing the meeting to have an Audit Committee meeting was approved. Ms. Adams reconvened the meeting at 11:20 a.m. FIFTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Acceptance of the Rankings of the Audit Committee Meeting and Authorizing Staff to Send a Notice of Intent to Award 14 30 of 199 November 20, 2024 Poinciana West CDD On MOTION by Dr. Master seconded by Mr. LaRue with all in favor accepting the ranking of the Audit Committee with Grau & Associates as the number one firm to provide auditing services and DiBartolomeo, McBee, Hartley & Barnes as number two and authorizing staff to send a notice of intent to award was approved. SIXTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On MOTION by Dr. Master seconded by Mr. LaRue with all in favor the meeting was adjourned. Secretary / Assistant Secretary Chair/Vice Chairman 15 SECTION VI 31 of 199 1001 Yamato Road .Suite 301 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 (561) 994-9299 .(800) 299-4728 Fax (561) 994-5823 www.graucpa.com November 22, 2024 Board of Supervisors Poinciana West Community Development District 219 East Livingston Street Orlando, Florida 32801 We are pleased to confirm our understanding of the services we are to provide Poinciana West Community Development District, Polk County, Florida (“the District”) for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2024, with the option of four (4) additional one-year renewals. We will audit the financial statements of the governmental activities and each major fund, including the related notes to the financial statements, which collectively comprise the basic financial statements of Poinciana West Community Development District as of and for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2024, with the option of four (4) additional one-year renewals. In addition, we will examine the District’s compliance with the requirements of Section 218.415 Florida Statutes. Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America provide for certain required supplementary information (RSI), such as management’s discussion and analysis (MD&A), to supplement the District’s basic financial statements. Such information, although not a part of the basic financial statements, is required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board who considers it to be an essential part of financial reporting for placing the basic financial statements in an appropriate operational, economic, or historical context. As part of our engagement, we will apply certain limited procedures to the District’s RSI in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. These limited procedures will consist of inquiries of management regarding the methods of preparing the information and comparing the information for consistency with management’s responses to our inquiries, the basic financial statements, and other knowledge we obtained during our audit of the basic financial statements. We will not express an opinion or provide any assurance on the information because the limited procedures do not provide us with sufficient evidence to express an opinion or provide any assurance. The following RSI is required by generally accepted accounting principles and will be subjected to certain limited procedures, but will not be audited: 1) Management’s Discussion and Analysis 2) Budgetary comparison schedule The following other information accompanying the financial statements will not be subjected to the auditing procedures applied in our audit of the financial statements, and our auditor’s report will not provide an opinion or any assurance on that information: 1) Compliance with FL Statute 218.39 (3) (c) Audit Objectives The objective of our audit is the expression of opinions as to whether your financial statements are fairly presented, in all material respects, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles and to report on the fairness of the supplementary information referred to in the second paragraph when considered in relation to the financial statements as a whole. Our audit will be conducted in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards for financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, and will include tests of the accounting records of the District and other procedures we consider necessary to enable us to express such opinions. We will issue a written report upon completion of our audit of the District’s financial statements. We cannot provide assurance that an unmodified opinion will be expressed. Circumstances may arise in which it is necessary for us to modify our opinion or add emphasis-of-matter or other-matter paragraphs. If our opinion on the financial statements is other than unmodified, we will discuss the reasons with you in advance. If, for any reason, we are unable to complete the audit or are unable to form or have not formed an opinion, we may decline to express an opinion or issue a report, or may withdraw from this engagement. We will also provide a report (that does not include an opinion) on internal control related to the financial statements and compliance with the provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements, noncompliance with which could have a material effect on the financial statements as required by Government Auditing Standards. The report on internal control and on compliance and other matters will include a paragraph that states (1) that the purpose of the report is solely to describe the scope of testing of internal control and compliance, and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the effectiveness of the District’s internal control on compliance, and (2) that the report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards in considering the District’s internal control and compliance. The paragraph will also state that the report is not suitable for any other purpose. If during our audit we become aware that the District is subject to an audit requirement that is not encompassed in the terms of this engagement, we will communicate to management and those charged with governance that an audit in accordance with U.S. generally accepted auditing standards and the standards for financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards may not satisfy the relevant legal, regulatory, or contractual requirements. Docusign Envelope ID: C1F3D0C5-6DB0-406F-BC9A-8F4D262C564B 32 of 199Yamato Road .Suite 301 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 (561) 994-9299 .(800) 299-4728 Fax (561) 994-5823 www.graucpa.com November 22, 2024 Board of Supervisors Poinciana West Community Development District 219 East Livingston Street Orlando, Florida 32801 We are pleased to confirm our understanding of the services we are to provide Poinciana West Community Development District, Polk County, Florida (“the District”) for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2024, with the option of four (4) additional one-year renewals. We will audit the financial statements of the governmental activities and each major fund, including the related notes to the financial statements, which collectively comprise the basic financial statements of Poinciana West Community Development District as of and for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2024, with the option of four (4) additional one-year renewals. In addition, we will examine the District’s compliance with the requirements of Section 218.415 Florida Statutes. Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America provide for certain required supplementary information (RSI), such as management’s discussion and analysis (MD&A), to supplement the District’s basic financial statements. Such information, although not a part of the basic financial statements, is required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board who considers it to be an essential part of financial reporting for placing the basic financial statements in an appropriate operational, economic, or historical context. As part of our engagement, we will apply certain limited procedures to the District’s RSI in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. These limited procedures will consist of inquiries of management regarding the methods of preparing the information and comparing the information for consistency with management’s responses to our inquiries, the basic financial statements, and other knowledge we obtained during our audit of the basic financial statements. We will not express an opinion or provide any assurance on the information because the limited procedures do not provide us with sufficient evidence to express an opinion or provide any assurance. The following RSI is required by generally accepted accounting principles and will be subjected to certain limited procedures, but will not be audited: 1) Management’s Discussion and Analysis 2) Budgetary comparison schedule The following other information accompanying the financial statements will not be subjected to the auditing procedures applied in our audit of the financial statements, and our auditor’s report will not provide an opinion or any assurance on that information: 1) Compliance with FL Statute 218.39 (3) (c) Audit Objectives The objective of our audit is the expression of opinions as to whether your financial statements are fairly presented, in all material respects, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles and to report on the fairness of the supplementary information referred to in the second paragraph when considered in relation to the financial statements as a whole. Our audit will be conducted in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards for financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, and will include tests of the accounting records of the District and other procedures we consider necessary to enable us to express such opinions. We will issue a written report upon completion of our audit of the District’s financial statements. We cannot provide assurance that an unmodified opinion will be expressed. Circumstances may arise in which it is necessary for us to modify our opinion or add emphasis-of-matter or other-matter paragraphs. If our opinion on the financial statements is other than unmodified, we will discuss the reasons with you in advance. If, for any reason, we are unable to complete the audit or are unable to form or have not formed an opinion, we may decline to express an opinion or issue a report, or may withdraw from this engagement. We will also provide a report (that does not include an opinion) on internal control related to the financial statements and compliance with the provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements, noncompliance with which could have a material effect on the financial statements as required by Government Auditing Standards. The report on internal control and on compliance and other matters will include a paragraph that states (1) that the purpose of the report is solely to describe the scope of testing of internal control and compliance, and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the effectiveness of the District’s internal control on compliance, and (2) that the report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards in considering the District’s internal control and compliance. The paragraph will also state that the report is not suitable for any other purpose. If during our audit we become aware that the District is subject to an audit requirement that is not encompassed in the terms of this engagement, we will communicate to management and those charged with governance that an audit in accordance with U.S. generally accepted auditing standards and the standards for financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards may not satisfy the relevant legal, regulatory, or contractual requirements. Docusign Envelope ID: C1F3D0C5-6DB0-406F-BC9A-8F4D262C564B 32 of 199 Examination Objective The objective of our examination is the expression of an opinion as to whether the District is in compliance with Florida Statute 218.415 in accordance with Rule 10.556(10) of the Auditor General of the State of Florida. Our examination will be conducted in accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and will include tests of your records and other procedures we consider necessary to enable us to express such an opinion. We will issue a written report upon completion of our examination of the District’s compliance. The report will include a statement that the report is intended solely for the information and use of management, those charged with governance, and the Florida Auditor General, and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. We cannot provide assurance that an unmodified opinion will be expressed. Circumstances may arise in which it is necessary for us to modify our opinion or add emphasis-of-matter or other-matter paragraphs. If our opinion on the District’s compliance is other than unmodified, we will discuss the reasons with you in advance. If, for any reason, we are unable to complete the examination or are unable to form or have not formed an opinion, we may decline to express an opinion or issue a report, or may withdraw from this engagement. Other Services We will assist in preparing the financial statements and related notes of the District in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles based on information provided by you. These nonaudit services do not constitute an audit under Government Auditing Standards and such services will not be conducted in accordance with Government Auditing Standards. The other services are limited to the financial statement services previously defined. We, in our sole professional judgment, reserve the right to refuse to perform any procedure or take any action that could be construed as assuming management responsibilities. Management Responsibilities Management is responsible for compliance with Florida Statute 218.415 and will provide us with the information required for the examination. The accuracy and completeness of such information is also management’s responsibility. You agree to assume all management responsibilities relating to the financial statements and related notes and any other nonaudit services we provide. You will be required to acknowledge in the management representation letter our assistance with preparation of the financial statements and related notes and that you have reviewed and approved the financial statements and related notes prior to their issuance and have accepted responsibility for them. In addition, you will be required to make certain representations regarding compliance with Florida Statute 218.415 in the management representation letter. Further, you agree to oversee the nonaudit services by designating an individual, preferably from senior management, who possesses suitable skill, knowledge, or experience; evaluate the adequacy and results of those services; and accept responsibility for them. Management is responsible for designing, implementing and maintaining effective internal controls, including evaluating and monitoring ongoing activities, to help ensure that appropriate goals and objectives are met; following laws and regulations; and ensuring that management and financial information is reliable and properly reported. Management is also responsible for implementing systems designed to achieve compliance with applicable laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements. You are also responsible for the selection and application of accounting principles, for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements and all accompanying information in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, and for compliance with applicable laws and regulations and the provisions of contracts and grant agreements. Management is also responsible for making all financial records and related information available to us and for the accuracy and completeness of that information. You are also responsible for providing us with (1) access to all information of which you are aware that is relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements, (2) additional information that we may request for the purpose of the audit, and (3) unrestricted access to persons within the government from whom we determine it necessary to obtain audit evidence. Your responsibilities include adjusting the financial statements to correct material misstatements and for confirming to us in the written representation letter that the effects of any uncorrected misstatements aggregated by us during the current engagement and pertaining to the latest period presented are immaterial, both individually and in the aggregate, to the financial statements taken as a whole. You are responsible for the design and implementation of programs and controls to prevent and detect fraud, and for informing us about all known or suspected fraud affecting the government involving (1) management, (2) employees who have significant roles in internal control, and (3) others where the fraud could have a material effect on the financial statements. Your responsibilities include informing us of your knowledge of any allegations of fraud or suspected fraud affecting the government received in communications from employees, former employees, grantors, regulators, or others. In addition, you are responsible for identifying and ensuring that the government complies with applicable laws, regulations, contracts, agreements, and grants and for taking timely and appropriate steps to remedy fraud and noncompliance with provisions of laws, regulations, contracts or grant agreements, or abuse that we report. Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining a process for tracking the status of audit findings and recommendations. Management is also responsible for identifying and providing report copies of previous financial audits, attestation engagements, performance audits or other studies related to the objectives discussed in the Audit Objectives section of this letter. This responsibility includes relaying to us corrective actions taken to address significant findings and recommendations resulting from those audits, attestation engagements, performance audits, or other studies. You are also responsible for providing management’s views on our current findings, conclusions, and recommendations, as well as your planned corrective actions, for the report, and for the timing and format for providing that information. With regard to the electronic dissemination of audited financial statements, including financial statements published electronically on your website, you understand that electronic sites are a means to distribute information and, therefore, we are not required to read the information contained in these sites or to consider the consistency of other information in the electronic site with the original document. Docusign Envelope ID: C1F3D0C5-6DB0-406F-BC9A-8F4D262C564B 33 of 199 Docusign Envelope ID: C1F3D0C5-6DB0-406F-BC9A-8F4D262C564B 33 of 199 Audit Procedures—General An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements; therefore, our audit will involve judgment about the number of transactions to be examined and the areas to be tested. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We will plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable rather than absolute assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether from (1) errors, (2) fraudulent financial reporting, (3) misappropriation of assets, or (4) violations of laws or governmental regulations that are attributable to the government or to acts by management or employees acting on behalf of the government. Because the determination of abuse is subjective, Government Auditing Standards do not expect auditors to provide reasonable assurance of detecting abuse. Because of the inherent limitations of an audit, combined with the inherent limitations of internal control, and because we will not perform a detailed examination of all transactions, there is a risk that material misstatements may exist and not be detected by us, even though the audit is properly planned and performed in accordance with U.S. generally accepted auditing standards and Government Auditing Standards. In addition, an audit is not designed to detect immaterial misstatements or violations of laws or governmental regulations that do not have a direct and material effect on the financial statements. Our responsibility as auditors is limited to the period covered by our audit and does not extend to later periods for which we are not engaged as auditors. Our procedures will include tests of documentary evidence supporting the transactions recorded in the accounts, and may include tests of the physical existence of inventories, and direct confirmation of receivables and certain other assets and liabilities by correspondence with selected individuals, funding sources, creditors, and financial institutions. We will request written representations from your attorneys as part of the engagement, and they may bill you for responding to this inquiry. At the conclusion of our audit, we will require certain written representations from you about your responsibilities for the financial statements; compliance with laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements; and other responsibilities required by generally accepted auditing standards. Audit Procedures—Internal Control Our audit will include obtaining an understanding of the government and its environment, including internal control, sufficient to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements and to design the nature, timing, and extent of further audit procedures. Tests of controls may be performed to test the effectiveness of certain controls that we consider relevant to preventing and detecting errors and fraud that are material to the financial statements and to preventing and detecting misstatements resulting from illegal acts and other noncompliance matters that have a direct and material effect on the financial statements. Our tests, if performed, will be less in scope than would be necessary to render an opinion on internal control and, accordingly, no opinion will be expressed in our report on internal control issued pursuant to Government Auditing Standards. An audit is not designed to provide assurance on internal control or to identify significant deficiencies or material weaknesses. However, during the audit, we will communicate to management and those charged with governance internal control related matters that are required to be communicated under AICPA professional standards and Government Auditing Standards. Audit Procedures—Compliance As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, we will perform tests of the District’s compliance with the provisions of applicable laws, regulations, contracts, agreements, and grants. However, the objective of our audit will not be to provide an opinion on overall compliance and we will not express such an opinion in our report on compliance issued pursuant to Government Auditing Standards. Engagement Administration, Fees, and Other We understand that your employees will prepare all cash or other confirmations we request and will locate any documents selected by us for testing. The audit documentation for this engagement is the property of Grau & Associates and constitutes confidential information. However, subject to applicable laws and regulations, audit documentation and appropriate individuals will be made available upon request and in a timely manner to a cognizant or oversight agency or its designee, a federal agency providing direct or indirect funding, or the U.S. Government Accountability Office for purposes of a quality review of the audit, to resolve audit findings, or to carry out oversight responsibilities. We will notify you of any such request. If requested, access to such audit documentation will be provided under the supervision of Grau & Associates personnel. Furthermore, upon request, we may provide copies of selected audit documentation to the aforementioned parties. These parties may intend, or decide, to distribute the copies or information contained therein to others, including other governmental agencies. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties acknowledge that various documents reviewed or produced during the conduct of the audit may be public records under Florida law. The District agrees to notify Grau & Associates of any public record request it receives that involves audit documentation. Furthermore, Grau & Associates agrees to comply with all applicable provisions of Florida law in handling such records, including but not limited to Section 119.0701, Florida Statutes. Auditor acknowledges that the designated public records custodian for the District is the District Manager (“Public Records Custodian”). Among other requirements and to the extent applicable by law, Grau & Associates shall 1) keep and maintain public records required by the District to perform the service; 2) upon request by the Public Records Custodian, provide the District with the requested public records or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time period at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in Chapter 119, Florida Statutes; 3) ensure that public records which are exempt or confidential, and exempt from public records disclosure requirements, are not disclosed except as authorized by law for the duration of the contract term and following the contract term if Auditor does not transfer the records to the Public Records Custodian of the District; and 4) upon completion of the contract, transfer to the District, at no cost, all public records in Grau & Associate’s possession or, alternatively, keep, maintain and meet all applicable requirements for retaining public records pursuant to Florida laws. When such public records are transferred by Grau & Associates, Grau & Associates shall destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. All records stored electronically must be provided to the District in a format that is compatible with Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF formats. Docusign Envelope ID: C1F3D0C5-6DB0-406F-BC9A-8F4D262C564B 34 of 199 Docusign Envelope ID: C1F3D0C5-6DB0-406F-BC9A-8F4D262C564B 34 of 199 IF GRAU & ASSOCIATES HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO ITS DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT, CONTACT THE PUBLIC RECORDS CUSTODIAN AT: C/O GOVERNMENTAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES – CENTRAL FLORIDA LLC, 219 EAST LIVINGSTON STREET ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801, OR RECORDREQUEST@GMSCFL.COM, PH: (407) 841-5524. This agreement provides for a contract period of one (1) year with the option of four (4) additional, one-year renewals upon the written consent of both parties. Our fee for these services will not exceed $3,400 for the September 30, 2024 audit. The fees for the fiscal years 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028 will not exceed $3,500, $3,600, $3,700 and $3,800, respectively, unless there is a change in activity by the District which results in additional audit work or if additional Bonds are issued. We will complete the audit within prescribed statutory deadlines, which requires the District to submit its annual audit to the Auditor General no later than nine (9) months after the end of the audited fiscal year, with the understanding that your employees will provide information needed to perform the audit on a timely basis. The audit documentation for this engagement will be retained for a minimum of five years after the report release date. If we are aware that a federal awarding agency or auditee is contesting an audit finding, we will contact the party(ies) contesting the audit finding for guidance prior to destroying the audit documentation. Our invoices for these fees will be rendered each month as work progresses and are payable on presentation. Invoices will be submitted in sufficient detail to demonstrate compliance with the terms of this agreement. In accordance with our firm policies, work may be suspended if your account becomes 60 days or more overdue and may not be resumed until your account is paid in full. If we elect to terminate our services for nonpayment, our engagement will be deemed to have been completed upon written notification of termination, even if we have not completed our report. You will be obligated to compensate us for all time expended and to reimburse us for all out- of-pocket costs through the date of termination. The above fee is based on anticipated cooperation from your personnel and the assumption that unexpected circumstances will not be encountered during the audit. If significant additional time is necessary, we will discuss it with you and arrive at a new fee estimate. The District has the option to terminate this agreement with or without cause by providing thirty (30) days written notice of termination to Grau & Associates. Upon any termination of this agreement, Grau & Associates shall be entitled to payment of all work and/or services rendered up until the effective termination of this agreement, subject to whatever claims or off-sets the District may have against Grau & Associates. We will provide you with a copy of our most recent external peer review report and any letter of comment, and any subsequent peer review reports and letters of comment received during the period of the contract. Our 2022 peer review report accompanies this letter. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to Poinciana West Community Development District and believe this letter accurately summarizes the terms of our engagement and, with any addendum, if applicable, is the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between Grau & Associates and the District with respect to the terms of the engagement between the parties. If you have any questions, please let us know. If you agree with the terms of our engagement as described in this letter, please sign the enclosed copy and return it to us. Very truly yours, Grau & Associates ______________________________ Antonio J. Grau RESPONSE: This letter correctly sets forth the understanding of Poinciana West Community Development District. By: Title: Date: Docusign Envelope ID: C1F3D0C5-6DB0-406F-BC9A-8F4D262C564B Chairman2024-12-13 35 of 199By: Title: Date: Docusign Envelope ID: C1F3D0C5-6DB0-406F-BC9A-8F4D262C564B Chairman2024-12-13 35 of 199 Docusign Envelope ID: C1F3D0C5-6DB0-406F-BC9A-8F4D262C564B 36 of 199 Docusign Envelope ID: C1F3D0C5-6DB0-406F-BC9A-8F4D262C564B 36 of 199 37 of 199 38 of 199 39 of 199 40 of 199 SECTION VII 41 of 199 SECTION VIII 43 of 199 SECTION A 44 of 199 September 10, 2024 Poinciana West Community Development District ATTN: Ms. Tricia Adams District Manager’s Office c/o Governmental Management Services-Central Florida, LLC 219 E. Livingston St., Orlando, FL 32801 RE: Request For Qualifications for Engineering Services for the Poinciana West Community Development District Dear Ms. Tricia Adams, Our firm has put together a strong, focused, and experienced team to deliver each task under this contract efficiently and effectively. Dewberry has served as the District Engineer for over 50 Community Development Districts (CDDs) in Florida, which allows us to provide Poinciana West with the unique experience, familiarity, and understanding of the type of services that will be requested. Our team of technical experts are qualified to meet engineering needs in all anticipated scope areas. Dewberry is authorized to do business in the state of Florida in accordance of Florida law. This team will be led by District Engineer, Rey Malavé, PE, who will be Poinciana West’s primary point of contact throughout the life of this contract. Rey has 39 years of experience serving CDDs throughout Florida, many of which have long term contracts with Dewberry. Rey will be supported by Assistant District Engineer, Joey Duncan, PE. Joey previously served as the Director of Public Works for the City of Jacksonville, and has experience providing services to a variety of CDDs, as well as meeting the level of service necessary for the Poinciana West CDD. Dewberry’s Florida operation is backed by the resources and stability of a national firm and specializes in site/civil, environmental, utility infrastructure, transportation engineering, surveying, and land development services. Dewberry has 15 office locations and over 350 employees in Florida, allowing us to provide expertise, qualifications, and resources to clients throughout the state. Dewberry’s depth of professional resources and expertise touches every aspect of the District’s ongoing needs. Whether the District requires services to 200 acres or 10,000 acres, we offer a solid team built on past experience to efficiently address the associated scope of work, as well as the added depth of services involving engineering, environmental, surveying, and construction management for a full service approach. Dewberry currently has no conflicts with any home builder within the Poinciana West CDD. We have not previously worked with Poinciana West CDD and, thus, have no volume of work to report. However, we have provided demonstrable proof of our qualifications in this submittal, and we are eager for the opportunity to prove ourselves as a valuable partner to you. It would be our privilege to serve as your District Engineer, and we are pleased to offer our qualifications for engineering services to help advance and expand the Poinciana West CDD’s long-term needs. Sincerely, DEWBERRY ENGINEERS INC. 800 NORTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE, SUITE 1000 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32803 321.354.9656 WWW.DEWBERRY.COM 2 Joey Duncan, PE Principal Engineer 904.423.4935 | jduncan@dewberry.com Rey Malavé, PE Associate Vice President 321.354.9656 | rmalave@dewberry.com 47 of 199 A. CONTRACT INFORMATION 1. TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) Request for Qualifications for Engineering Services for Poinciana West Community Development District (Polk County, FL) 2. PUBLIC NOTICE DATE 3. SOLICITATION OR PROJECT NUMBER July 25, 2024 N/A B. ARCHITECT-ENGINEER POINT OF CONTACT 4. NAME AND TITLE Rey Malavé, PE 5. NAME OF FIRM Dewberry Engineers Inc. 6. TELEPHONE NUMBER 7. FAX NUMBER 8. EMAIL ADDRESS 321.354.9656 N/A rmalave@dewberry.com C. PROPOSED TEAM (Complete this section for the prime contractor and all key subcontractors.) (Check) 9. FIRM NAME 10. ADDRESS 11. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT PRIMEJ-VPARTNERSUBCONTRACTOR a. X Dewberry Engineers Inc. 800 North Magnolia Avenue, Suite 1000 Orlando, FL 32803 • District Engineer • Senior Roadway Engineer • Senior Structural Engineer • Site/Civil Graduate Engineer • Senior Environmental Scientist • Permitting Manager • Senior Surveyor • Senior Architect b. X Dewberry Engineers Inc. 200 West Forsyth Street, Suite 1100 Jacksonville, FL 32202 • Assistant District Engineer • Construction Inspector c. X Dewberry Engineers Inc. 1479 Town Center Drive Suite D214 Lakeland, FL 33803 • Senior Site Engineer • Senior Stormwater Engineer • Senior GIS Professional d. X Dewberry Engineers Inc. 203 Aberdeen Parkway Panama City, FL 32405 • Senior Utility Engineer e. X Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 Wycliff Road, Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 • Senior Landscape Architect X CHECK IF BRANCH OFFICE X CHECK IF BRANCH OFFICE X CHECK IF BRANCH OFFICE X CHECK IF BRANCH OFFICE X CHECK IF BRANCH OFFICE STANDARD FORM 330 (REV. 7/2021) PAGE 4 ARCHITECT – ENGINEER QUALIFICATIONS PART I – CONTRACT-SPECIFIC QUALIFICATIONS 49 of 199A. CONTRACT INFORMATION 1. TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) Request for Qualifications for Engineering Services for Poinciana West Community Development District (Polk County, FL) 2. PUBLIC NOTICE DATE 3. SOLICITATION OR PROJECT NUMBER July 25, 2024 N/A B. ARCHITECT-ENGINEER POINT OF CONTACT 4. NAME AND TITLE Rey Malavé, PE 5. NAME OF FIRM Dewberry Engineers Inc. 6. TELEPHONE NUMBER 7. FAX NUMBER 8. EMAIL ADDRESS 321.354.9656 N/A rmalave@dewberry.com C. PROPOSED TEAM (Complete this section for the prime contractor and all key subcontractors.) (Check) 9. FIRM NAME 10. ADDRESS 11. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT PRIMEJ-VPARTNERSUBCONTRACTOR a. X Dewberry Engineers Inc. 800 North Magnolia Avenue, Suite 1000 Orlando, FL 32803 • District Engineer • Senior Roadway Engineer • Senior Structural Engineer • Site/Civil Graduate Engineer • Senior Environmental Scientist • Permitting Manager • Senior Surveyor • Senior Architect b. X Dewberry Engineers Inc. 200 West Forsyth Street, Suite 1100 Jacksonville, FL 32202 • Assistant District Engineer • Construction Inspector c. X Dewberry Engineers Inc. 1479 Town Center Drive Suite D214 Lakeland, FL 33803 • Senior Site Engineer • Senior Stormwater Engineer • Senior GIS Professional d. X Dewberry Engineers Inc. 203 Aberdeen Parkway Panama City, FL 32405 • Senior Utility Engineer e. X Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 Wycliff Road, Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 • Senior Landscape Architect X CHECK IF BRANCH OFFICE X CHECK IF BRANCH OFFICE X CHECK IF BRANCH OFFICE X CHECK IF BRANCH OFFICE X CHECK IF BRANCH OFFICE STANDARD FORM 330 (REV. 7/2021) PAGE 4 ARCHITECT – ENGINEER QUALIFICATIONS PART I – CONTRACT-SPECIFIC QUALIFICATIONS 49 of 199 ENGINEERING TEAM TRANSPORTATION Joe Keezel, PE Senior Roadway Engineer Marybeth Morin, PE Senior Structural Engineer SITE/CIVIL Alba Más, PE Senior Site Engineer Chace Arrington, EI Site/Civil Graduate Engineer UTILITIES Jose Pereira, PE Senior Utility Engineer STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Jeff PeQueen, PE Senior Stormwater Engineer ENVIRONMENTAL Nicole Gough, PWS, CNRP Senior Environmental Scientist PERMITTING Lisa A. Kelley, JD Permitting Manager ADDITIONAL SERVICES SURVEY William Hinkle, PSM Senior Surveyor CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION Ross Burns Construction Inspector LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE/ PLANNING Michael Urchuk, RLA Senior Landscape Architect MAPPING Aziza Baan, GISP Senior GIS Professional ARCHICTURE Zulay Marti, RA Senior Architect POINCIANA WEST CDD DISTRICT MANAGER Tricia Adams DISTRICT ENGINEER Rey Malavé, PE ASSISTANT DISTRICT ENGINEER Joey Duncan , PE STANDARD FORM 330 (REV. 7/2021) PAGE 5 D. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART OF PROPOSED TEAM 50 of 199 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Rey Malavé, PE District Engineer a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 46 45 51 of 19912. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Rey Malavé, PE District Engineer a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 46 45 51 of 199 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) Dewberry Engineers Inc. (Orlando, FL) 16. EDUCATION (Degree and Specialization) 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (State and Discipline) MBA/Business Administration; BS/Civil Engineering Professional Engineer/FL 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) Rey Malavé has 46 years of experience in civil engineering design and a diversified background in the designing and permitting of municipal infrastructure systems. His areas of expertise includes stormwater management systems, sanitary sewage collection systems, water distribution systems, and site development. He has managed and participated in the planning and designing of numerous large, complex projects for public and private clients. He has extensive knowledge of permitting requirements and has developed a rapport with permitting agencies, including the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD), and other local agencies. 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS a. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Dowden West CDD (Orange County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm District Engineer. Dowden West is an established CDD with multiple phases currently under development and construction. Dewberry is currently assisting the CDD with multiple improvements conveyances from the developer to the CDD and from the CDD to the County. Dewberry is also assisting the water management district in permitting transfers, and the transfer of sewer lift stations to Orange County. b. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Westside Haines City CDD (Winter Haven, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm District Engineer. The Westside Haines City CDD is 613.43 acres located in Winter Haven, Florida, and is expected to consist of 2,752 residential lots of various sizes for single-family lots and townhome lots with recreation/amenity areas, parks, and associated infrastructure for the various villages. Dewberry is the CDD Engineer for this project. Our services include civil engineering, permitting, roadway design, stormwater monitoring, permiting, recreational facilities, and infrastructure review reports. c. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Deer Run CDD (Bunnell, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm District Engineer. Dewberry serves as the current District Engineer for this +/- 602-acre Master Planned Golf Community with 749 units. Our services have included attending monthly District Board meetings, processing pay requisitions and construction pay applications, and providing general consulting services and input to the Board of Directors. Specific assignments include planning, preparing reports and plans, surveying designs, and specifications for water management systems and facilities, water and sewer systems and facilities, roads, landscaping, recreational facilities, and street lighting. d. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Lakewood Ranch CDDs 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 (Sarasota and Manatee Counties, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm District Engineer. Lakewood Ranch is an unincorporated 17,500-acre community in Sarasota and Manatee County. Established in 1995, there is an 8,500-acre master planned community within the ranch, consisting of seven villages with a variety of housing types and five CDDs. It contains A-rated schools, shopping, business parks, a hospital and medical center, and three different golf courses, as well as an athletic center with fitness, aquatics, and lighted tennis courts. Lakewood Ranch has over 150 miles of sidewalks and trails, community parks, lakes, and nature preserves abundant with native wildlife. As District Engineer, our services include engineering, planning, surveying, permitting, landscape architecture, owner coordination with City/County, and approval of all development and construction activities. STANDARD FORM 330 (REV. 7/2021) PAGE 6 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Joey Duncan, PE Assistant District Engineer a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 42 1 52 of 19912. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Joey Duncan, PE Assistant District Engineer a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 42 1 52 of 199 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) Dewberry Engineers Inc. (Jacksonville, FL) 16. EDUCATION (Degree and Specialization) 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (State and Discipline) MS/Engineering Management, BS/Civil Engineering Professional Engineer/FL 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) Joey brings 42 years of progressive leadership experience in program management and civil engineering for both the public and private sectors, with an emphasis on the planning, design, and construction of water and power infrastructure. He previously served as Director of Public Works for the City of Jacksonville, the largest city by land mass in the United States. In this role, he oversaw seven divisions responsible for horizontal and vertical public infrastructure across 840 square miles, with a total capital and operating budget of $1 billion. In 2008, he guided the launch of the Jacksonville Stormwater Utility, which effectively created a new operating division with its own capital improvement plan and $30 million in revenue. He has also served in varying management roles at JEA, Jacksonville’s utility authority, where he notably led the planning, design, and construction of the $630 million Northside Generating Station Repowering Project, recognized by Power magazine as the 2002 Plant of the Year. 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS a. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Baymeadows Improvement District (ID) (Duval County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm District Engineer. Baymeadows Improvement Districts an incorporated 580-acre master planned community located on Florida’s First Coast in the City of Jacksonville, Florida. As the CDD Engineer for the Improvement District, Dewberry’s services include engineering, surveying, permitting, owner coordination with the Citiy’s review, and approval of construction activities. Dewberry’s services also include water and wastewater improvements and upgrades, roadway and storm sewer redesign and repair, stormwater inspections, review and upgrades, coordination of traffic issues oversight of other engineers, assistance with bidding, contractor selection, construction oversight, pay application review, and final project certification and closeout. b. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED National Marine Center Drainage Design, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Customs & Border Control (CBP), (St. Augustine, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 2023 2024 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Engineer of Record. The project consists of a design-build effort to improve the drainage condition for the government buildings within the existing facility. Project includes topographic survey of approximately 10 acres surrounding the facility to ascertain current drainage conditions, demolition, erosion and sediment control plan, site layout plan, civil construction plans and specifications. c. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Reuse and Stormwater Improvements, City of Jacksonville Beach (Duval County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 2023 2021 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm QA/QC Engineer and Field Engineer. Project is to increase volume of reuse water used for irrigation from the Jacksonville Beach and minimize/eliminate use of ground water for irrigation. Project includes increase storage volume on several golf course ponds, new irrigation system/layout (golf course) and piping to extend irrigation to other parks. d. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Governor’s Park Water Treatment Plant, Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) (Clay County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 2023 Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm CEI QA/QC. This fast-track project is to provide potable water supply and treatment to serve new development in the county near Green Cove Springs. The project includes design and construction of two 20-inch water supply wells rated for 1,770 gpm each, with modification of the existing Consumptive Use Permit, aquifer performance testing and construction services during drilling. The Interim WTP includes design of the well head equipment, aeration, ground storage, high service pumping, flow metering, and disinfection STANDARD FORM 330 (REV. 7/2021) PAGE 7 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Joe Keezel, PE Senior Roadway Engineer a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 28 8 53 of 19912. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Joe Keezel, PE Senior Roadway Engineer a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 28 8 53 of 199 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) Dewberry Engineers Inc. (Orlando, FL) 16. EDUCATION (Degree and Specialization) 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (State and Discipline) BS/Environmental Engineering Professional Engineer/FL/NC 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) Joe Keezel has more than 27 years of experience designing major transportation systems and thoroughfares, working primarily on FDOT projects. He has managed several major highway projects, including a capacity project that widened a rural four-lane state highway to an urban six-lane section, replaced twin bridges, and updated drainage, signing, pavement markings, and signals. He was Project Manager for two districtwide contracts and prepared construction documents for more than 10 resurfacing, restoration, and rehabilitation projects ranging from two-lane rural to multi-lane urban. Joe also prepared several designs with limited surveys using as-built plans, right-of-way (ROW) maps and SLD’s, and prepared several projects with SMART plans and letter sets, all of which have been constructed with no claims. 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS a. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Lakewood Ranch CDDs 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 (Manatee County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Senior Roadway Engineer. As District Engineer, our services include water distribution, sanitary sewer collection, reuse water distribution systems, stormwater management, environmental/permitting, landscape architecture, roadway improvements, and surveys. b. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED West Villages ID (Sarasota County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Senior Roadway Engineer. The West Villages Improvement District (“District”) is located in the City of North Port and unincorporated Sarasota County, Florida. The District encompasses approximately 8,200 +/- acres of land within the City of North Port and 3,300 +/- acres in unincorporated Sarasota County. The services included earthwork, water and sewer facilities and infrastructure (including water treatment plants and wastewater treatment plants), stormwater management, drainage facilities, infrastructure, roadways, signalization improvements, and parking facilities. c. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Continuing Engineering Services, Roadway Design, FDOT District Five (Multiple Counties, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 2020 Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Project Manager. Through our continuing services contract with District Five, Dewberry’s task work orders included intersection improvements, resurfacing, lighting, signalization, and all tasks associated with highway design projects. Our traffic design services included signing design, pavement marking design, signal warrant analysis, signalization design, lighting justification, lighting design, and traffic studies. d. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED General Engineering Consultant, Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX) (Multiple Counties, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Senior Roadway Engineer. Dewberry currently serves as a general engineering consultant to the CFX. In order to support the delivery of CFX’s $3.2 billion, five-year work plan, the scope of services that Dewberry is performing as the general engineering consultant are categorized into seven tasks: bond financing support, engineering/design support, planning support, maintenance program support, general planning, work plan support, and multimodal/transit support. e. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Continuing Engineering Services, Volusia County (Volusia County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Transportation Project Manager. Under our continuing services contracts, our services include site/civil engineering, roadway design, trail design, construction administration, environmental/permitting, landscape architecture, signal design, and surveying and mapping. STANDARD FORM 330 (REV. 7/2021) PAGE 8 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Marybeth Morin, PE Senior Structural Engineer a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 28 26 54 of 19912. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Marybeth Morin, PE Senior Structural Engineer a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 28 26 54 of 199 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) Dewberry Engineers Inc. (Orlando, FL) 16. EDUCATION (Degree and Specialization) 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (State and Discipline) BSCE/Civil Engineering Professional Engineer/FL/AL/GA/NC 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) Marybeth Morin has 28 years of experience in the structural design of transportation structures. She is responsible for the design and plan production of projects from the preliminary stages to final design. These projects include minor grade separations, water crossings, and interchanges. She has experience in AASHTO and Florida I-Beam girders, precast-prestressed slab units, and steel I-girders. She also has experience in alternatives development, design-build work, and miscellaneous structures. Miscellaneous structures include sign structure, mast arm, noise buffer and retaining wall, box culvert, and strain pole foundation design. Marybeth is responsible for project design, coordination, and plan production. 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS a. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Live Oak Lake CDD (Twin Lakes Development) (Osceola County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 2019 N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Senior Structural Engineer. Live Oak Lake CDD is a multi-phased, active adult community consisting of residential units, green open space tracts with community facilities, and a community amenity center. Marybeth was responsible for the design and overseeing the construction of the vehicular bridge that crosses the existing Bullis Road, connecting the northern pool and amenity area with the remainder of the development. The bridge is a single-span FIB-36 with spread footing, which reduces vibration and cost, MSE walls with concrete drainage ditch, and splash pads for run-off. The bridge utilizes a custom railing with stone veneer, architectural finishes, and custom planters for a high-level aesthetic result. b. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Lakewood Ranch CDDs 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 (Manatee County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Senior Structural Engineer. As District Engineer, our services include water distribution, sanitary sewer collection, reuse water distribution systems, stormwater management, environmental/permitting, landscape architecture, roadway improvements, and surveys. c. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Wekiva Parkway, Central Florida Expressway (CFX) (Orange County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Senior Structural Engineer. The Wekiva Parkway (SR 429) is an alignment, high-speed, limited access alignment in northwest Orange County. Segment 203 extends from just north of Ponkan Road to north of Kelly Park Road, a distance of approximately 2.2 miles. The project included bridge structures over the Lake Victor floodplain, a future access road, and Kelly Park Road. A partial cloverleaf interchange was provided at Kelly Park Road. The project included modifications to several local arterials and off-site stormwater management facilities. d. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Suncoast Parkway 2, Section 2, FDOT Florida Turnpike Enterprise, (Citrus County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 2023 Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Senior Structural Engineer. This section of the Suncoast Parkway 2 Project was for the design of a new roadway located from south of Grover Cleveland Boulevard to north of CR 486, a distance of approximately 8.5 miles. This alignment project included a major intersection and several county road crossings traversing through heavily wooded areas, borrow pits, and subdivisions. Marybeth was responsible for bridge design and plans production. e. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Big Bend Road at I-75 Interchange Design-Build (Hillsborough County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 2021 2022 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Teamed with Skanska on this $81M design-build project, which involved the widening and reconstruction of Big Bend Road to a six-lane urban roadway from west of Covington Garden Drive to east of Simmons Loop, realignment and reconstruction of Old Big Bend Road to accommodate new interchange ramp connections with I-75, and construction of a new roundabout at the realigned intersection of Old Big Bend Road and Bullfrog Creek Road. STANDARD FORM 330 (REV. 7/2021) PAGE 9 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Jose Pereira, PE Senior Utility Engineer a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 35 31 57 of 19912. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Jose Pereira, PE Senior Utility Engineer a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 35 31 57 of 199 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) Dewberry Engineers Inc. (Panama City, FL) 16. EDUCATION (Degree and Specialization) 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (State and Discipline) MS/Environmental Engineering, BS/Civil Engineering Professional Engineer/FL/LA/OK/TX 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) Jose Pereira has 35 years of professional experience in the field of environmental engineering, including the design of water treatment and wastewater collection, pumping, and treatment facilities; pilot-scale and laboratory-scale treatabilities studies; and water and wastewater wet chemistry analysis. He has been actively engaged in the planning, design, construction engineering, and start-up services for numerous municipal wastewater treatment collection, pumping, and treatment systems. Many of these facilities have included innovative treatment processes such as nitrification, de-nitrification, bio-selectors, and other biological nutrient removal. To accommodate new developments, Jose has planned and designed entire wastewater collection systems that have included interceptor sewers up to 72 inches in diameter, wastewater pumping facilities, and in-system flow equalization storage basins as large as 16 million gallons. 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS a. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Lakewood Ranch CDDs 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 (Manatee County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Project Engineer. Lakewood Ranch is an unincorporated 17,500-acre community in Manatee County. Established in 1995, there is an 8,500-acre master planned community within it, consisting of seven villages with a variety of housing types and five CDDs. It contains A-rated schools, shopping, business parks, a hospital and medical center, and three different golf courses, as well as an athletic center with fitness, aquatics, and lighted tennis courts. Lakewood Ranch has over 150 miles of sidewalks and trails, community parks, lakes, and nature preserves abundant with native wildlife. As District Engineer, our services include engineering, planning, surveying, permitting, landscape architecture, owner coordination with the City/County, and approval of all development and construction activities. b. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED West Villages ID (Sarasota County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Project Engineer. The West Villages Improvement District (“District”) is located in the City of North Port and unincorporated Sarasota County, Florida. The District encompasses approximately 8,200 +/- acres of land within the City of North Port and 3,300 +/- acres in unincorporated Sarasota County. The services included earthwork, water and sewer facilities and infrastructure (including water treatment plants and wastewater treatment plants), stormwater management, drainage facilities, infrastructure, roadways, signalization improvements, and parking facilities. c. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Highway 390 Water/Wastewater Relocation, Panama City Beach (Panama City Beach, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 2018 N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Project Manager. The Panama City Water and Wastewater System Relocation Project included the relocation of the city-owned utilities that conflicted with the proposed improvements to tie into the proposed utilities for the FDOT Highway 390 Widening Project. The City was required to relocate its water and wastewater infrastructure due to the FDOT Highway 390 widening project. The project included the installation of approximately 4,400 linear feet (LF) of 12 -, 8-, 6- and 2-inch water mains, fire hydrants, valves, fittings, and new potable water services. d. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Wastewater Improvements, City of Parker (Parker, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 2017 Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Project Engineer. Dewberry worked with the City of Parker to inspect the city’s existing wastewater system’s condition and identify areas that required upgrades and replacement. Dewberry prepared a Facilities Plan with recommendations, projected costs, and priorities for improvements and assisted the City in securing funds through the SRF. The work consisted of design for approximately 7,000 LF of sewer force main replacement, 2,450 LF of directional bores, lift station upgrades, and manhole rehabilitation. STANDARD FORM 330 (REV. 7/2021) PAGE 12 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Jeff PeQueen, PE, CFM Senior Stormwater Engineer a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 32 1 58 of 19912. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Jeff PeQueen, PE, CFM Senior Stormwater Engineer a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 32 1 58 of 199 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) Dewberry Engineers Inc. (Lakeland, FL) 16. EDUCATION (Degree and Specialization) 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (State and Discipline) MS/Biomedical Engineering; MEE/Environmental Professional Engineer/FL/AL/GA/MD/PA; Certified Floodplain Engineering; BS/Physics Manager/FL; Certified Professional Stormwater Quality/FL 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) As a senior professional engineer, Jeff has more than 31 years of experience in site and civil engineering. His extensive experience includes stormwater analysis and design of commercial, industrial, and residential sites including both retrofits and original design and development. His project experience ranges from individual storm sewer design to regional watershed studies. Jeff has provided on-call services for both Polk County Parks and Natural Resource and Roads & Drainage Departments, as well as a long history servicing the City of Lakeland. He has managed jointly funded projects between SWFWMD, municipalities, and surrounding counties. Further experience includes engineering and production services for assessing existing structures, proposed road improvements, proposed drainage improvements, permitting support, construction support, and as-built services for the right-ofway improvements. 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS a. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED McIntosh Park, Detailed Design Plans, City of Plant City with SWFWMD (Plant City, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 2023 N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Senior Engineer. Provided technical assistance on the McIntosh Integrated Water Project at McIntosh Preserve expands upon a previous SWFWMD project and provides the beneficial reuse of reclaimed water in lieu of surface water discharge. The project includes 172 acres of multi-purpose constructed treatment wetlands. To address the dehydration experienced by the original treatment wetland and increase treatment, this project reconfigures the original wetland cells, adds additional treatment wetlands, and includes the addition of highly treated reclaimed water for hydration of some of the wetlands. The new wetlands cells receive supplemental, make-up water from Plant City’s reclaimed water system during dry periods. b. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Cypress Creek, Conceptual Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Tampa Bay Water Authority (Pasco County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Senior Engineer. Provided technical assistance on this project which included Water Management Plan, and the Development of a Master Drainage Plan, including a detailed existing and proposed conditions model, to obtain a comprehensive for the 62-acre facility. c. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED American Recovery Plan (ARPA) Lake Annie, Polk County Parks and Natural Resources (Polk County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Senior Engineer. Providing lead civil and stormwater engineering to project to enhance, improve and restore a former peat mining property into a high quality wetland providing water quality and wildlife benefits. Site was identified under an earlier study as one with high potential to assist in the overall Peace Creek Watershed Restoration. d. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED ARPA Lake Hamilton, Polk County Parks and Natural Resources (Polk County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Senior Engineer. Providing lead civil and stormwater engineering to project to enhance, and improve approximately 86 acres on the west shore of Lake Hamilton. The project is near to the headwater of the Peace Creek Canal and will include environmental enhancement, wetland creation, water quality improvement and habitat creation on two currently undeveloped parcels. Site was identified under an earlier study as one with high potential to assist in the overall Peace Creek Watershed Restoration. STANDARD FORM 330 (REV. 7/2021) PAGE 13 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Nicole Gough, PWS Senior Environmental Scientist a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 26 8 59 of 19912. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Nicole Gough, PWS Senior Environmental Scientist a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 26 8 59 of 199 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) Dewberry Engineers Inc. (Orlando, FL) 16. EDUCATION (Degree and Specialization) BS/Parks and Recreation/Resource Management, Specialization in NPS Level II Law Enforcement 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (State and Discipline) Professional Wetland Scientist/FL Certified Prescribed Burn Manager/FL; Certified Pesticide Applicator/FL; Certified Stormwater Management Inspector; Railroad Worker’s Safety Certified; Federal Red Card 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) Nicole Gough has 26 years of experience in project management related to ecological evaluation, planning, permitting, and oversight of regional transportation and infrastructure projects, large agricultural projects, and land development. Nicole previously served as a wetlands biologist and regulatory reviewer for both the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and SJRWMD. While working with both private and public entities, Nicole has garnered extensive permitting experience in all aspects of federal, state, and local permitting, including the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). Additional expertise includes threatened and endangered species surveys, wetland determinations, biology, botany, conservation biology, ecology, emergency management, Endangered Species Act compliance for Letter of Map Revision (LOMR)/Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR), GIS data collection and mapping, preparation of technical specifications and contract documents, and stakeholder coordination/facilitation. 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS a. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Narcoossee CDD (Orlando, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Environmental Scientist. The Narcoossee CDD is located in Orlando, Florida, and consists of approximately 416 acres. The project is projected to have 540 single-family units, 860 multi-family units, and 278,000 square feet of retail and office space. The Narcoossee CDD encompasses the entire 416 acres and will construct, operate, and maintain infrastructure to support all of its communities. As the CDD Engineer, our services include engineering evaluations, owner coordination with the City of Orlando and Orange County, and approval of all development and construction activities. b. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Live Oak Lake CDD (Twin Lakes Development) (Osceola County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Environmental Scientist. Live Oak Lake CDD is a multi-phased active adult community consisting of residential units, green open space tracts with community facilities, and a community amenity center located just off of Live Oak Lake. Phases 1 – 8 consists of a mix of 50 and 70-foot duplex units totaling 2,023 units. Dewberry’s services include entitlements, planning, surveying, site/civil engineering, roadway design, bridge design, signal design, environmental/ permitting, landscape/hardscape design, assistance with the City master upsizing agreements, and construction administration. c. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Lakewood Ranch CDDs 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 (Sarasota and Manatee Counties, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Environmental Scientist. Lakewood Ranch is an unincorporated 17,500-acre community in Sarasota and Manatee County. Established in 1995, there is an 8,500-acre master planned community within the ranch, consisting of seven villages with a variety of housing types and five CDDs. It contains A-rated schools, shopping, business parks, a hospital and medical center, and three different golf courses, as well as an athletic center with fitness, aquatics, and lighted tennis courts. Lakewood Ranch has over 150 miles of sidewalks and trails, community parks, lakes, and nature preserves abundant with native wildlife. As District Engineer, our services include engineering, planning, surveying, permitting, landscape architecture, owner coordination with City/County, and approval of all development and construction activities. d. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Walton Development, Ridgewood Lakes (Polk County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 2013 2017 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Senior Environmental Scientist. Ridgewood Lakes is a proposed community of over 3,200 acres located in northeast Polk County, Florida, off US 27 and Interstate 4 and within the District’s boundaries. The development plan was designed based on careful analysis of natural site features, including soils, topography, vegetation, and hydrology, with special consideration for wetlands and the preservation of existing ecosystems. STANDARD FORM 330 (REV. 7/2021) PAGE 14 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Lisa A. Kelley, JD Permitting Manager a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 28 2 60 of 19912. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Lisa A. Kelley, JD Permitting Manager a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 28 2 60 of 199 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) Dewberry Engineers Inc. (Orlando, FL) 16. EDUCATION (Degree and Specialization) 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (State and Discipline) JD/Barry University School of Law; BS/University of Licensed Attorney State Bar/FL West Florida Environmental Resources Management and Planning 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) Lisa is a subject matter expert in regulatory compliance and environmental policy. She serves as a Department Manager at Dewberry where she is responsible for efforts related to business development, policy and legislation, project funding, environmental permitting, and natural systems restoration. Lisa has worked on environmental projects in Florida for almost 30 years and is experienced in leading state and federal regulatory compliance programs, including Florida’s Lead and Copper program . Her experience also includes serving as the Assistant Executive Director of the SJRWMD and the Assistant District Director for the Central District of the FDEP. During this time, she developed a deep understanding of the unique parameters and challenges presented by regulatory requirements. 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS a. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Cascades at Groveland CDD (Groveland, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Permitting Manager. Dewberry is the CDD engineer for the Cascades at Groveland, a 752-acre master planned, residential community located in Groveland in Lake County. In addition to aiding the CDD with engineering expertise as required, our services under ongoing general engineering contracts have included a utilities master plan, obtaining entitlements and approvals for infrastructure, mass grading, design and permitting of water and sanitary sewer lines, securing bonds for the drainage system, design and construction of new roadways, and improvements to existing roadways. b. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Highland Meadows CDD (Davenport, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Permitting Manager. Highland Meadows is a 263.5-acre master planned, residential community. The development is approved as a planned development for 222 single-family unit community. Dewberry has provided services to the District in the review and repair of roadways, stormwater systems, street signage, and landscape architecture improvements. We have assisted in the bidding and construction of the many infrastructure facilities within the community. Dewberry is the CDD Engineer for this project. Our services include civil engineering, construction estimates and administration, coordination of environmental, jurisdictional lines and permitting, due diligence, permitting, planning, landscaping plans, and surveying. c. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Lakewood Ranch CDDs 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 (Sarasota and Manatee Counties, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Permitting Manager. Lakewood Ranch is an unincorporated 17,500-acre community in Sarasota and Manatee County. There is an 8,500-acre master planned community within the ranch, consisting of seven villages with a variety of housing types and five CDDs. It contains A-rated schools, shopping, business parks, a hospital and medical center, and three different golf courses, as well as an athletic center with fitness, aquatics, and lighted tennis courts. Lakewood Ranch has over 150 miles of sidewalks and trails, community parks, lakes, and nature preserves abundant with native wildlife. As District Engineer, our services include engineering, planning, surveying, permitting, landscape architecture, owner coordination with City/County, and approval of all development and construction activities. STANDARD FORM 330 (REV. 7/2021) PAGE 15 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE William Hinkle, PSM Senior Surveyor a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 44 17 61 of 19912. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE William Hinkle, PSM Senior Surveyor a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 44 17 61 of 199 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) Dewberry Engineers Inc. (Orlando, FL) 16. EDUCATION (Degree and Specialization) 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (State and Discipline) N/A Professional Surveyor and Mapper/FL 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) William Hinkle, a Transportation Survey Project Manager with Dewberry, has over 43 years in various types of surveying and mapping, including over 19 years with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) in District One. His experience includes right-of-way maps, right-of-way control maps, mitigation site surveys, geodetic surveys, design surveys, right-of-way surveys, subsurface utility engineering surveys, and horizontal and vertical control, including utilization of electronic field book, topographic, and construction surveying. William served as District One’s Location Surveyor for six years, where his responsibilities included managing three to four District-Wide Surveying and Mapping Contracts, planning, scheduling, supervising, and quality control of 45 plus or minus projects yearly of various right-of-way and design surveys. He supervised and coordinated assignments of the Survey Department’s Electronic Survey section and the engineering/land surveying assignments of two to four Department field survey crews. 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS a. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Dowden West CDD (Orlando, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Survey Manager. Dowden West is a 736-acre master planned residential community consisting of 1,446 residential units and divided into 10 villages. As District Engineer, our services include water distribution, sanitary sewer collection, reuse water distribution systems, stormwater management, environmental/permitting, landscape architecture, roadway improvements, and surveys. b. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Live Oak Lake CDD (Twin Lakes Development) (Osceola County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Survey Manager. Live Oak Lake CDD is a multi-phased active adult community consisting of residential units, green open space tracts with community facilities and a community amenity center located just off of Live Oak Lake. Phases 1 – 8 consists of a mix of 50 and 70-feet duplex units totaling 2,023 units. Dewberry’s services include entitlements, planning, surveying, site/civil engineering, roadway design, bridge design, signal design, environmental/permitting, landscape/ hardscape design, assistance with the City master upsizing agreements, and construction administration. c. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Lakewood Ranch CDDs 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 (Sarasota and Manatee Counties, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Survey Manager. Lakewood Ranch is an unincorporated 17,500-acre community in Sarasota and Manatee County. Established in 1995, there is an 8,500-acre master planned community within the ranch, consisting of seven villages with a variety of housing types and five CDDs. It contains A-rated schools, shopping, business parks, a hospital and medical center, and three different golf courses, as well as an athletic center with fitness, aquatics, and lighted tennis courts. Lakewood Ranch has over 150 miles of sidewalks and trails, community parks, lakes, and nature preserves abundant with native wildlife. As District Engineer, our services include engineering, planning, surveying, permitting, landscape architecture, owner coordination with City/County, and approval of all development and construction activities. d. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED West Villages ID (Sarasota County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Survey Manager. The West Villages Improvement District (“District”) is located in the City of North Port and unincorporated Sarasota County, Florida. The District encompasses approximately 8,200 +/- acres of land within the City of North Port and 3,300 +/- acres in unincorporated Sarasota County. The services included earthwork, water and sewer facilities and infrastructure (including water treatment plants and wastewater treatment plants), stormwater management, drainage facilities, infrastructure, roadways, signalization improvements, and parking facilities. STANDARD FORM 330 (REV. 7/2021) PAGE 16 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Ross Burns Construction Inspector a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 3 1 62 of 19912. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Ross Burns Construction Inspector a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 3 1 62 of 199 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) Dewberry Engineers Inc. (Jacksonville, FL) 16. EDUCATION (Degree and Specialization) 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (State and Discipline) BS/Environmental Engineering N/A 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) Ross has three years of experience in planning and design of site engineering for industrial parks, commercial, municipal, and residential developments. Specializes in water and wastewater design from inception to construction. Duties include the preparation of construction plans, specifications, construction cost estimates, and construction administration/observation. Responsible for the preparation and submittal of construction and operating permit applications to state and federal regulatory agencies. 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS a. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Water Transmission, Gulf County (Gulf County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 2023 Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Project Engineer. This project is to provide potable water supply to serve the Gulf County area. The project includes design and construction of 18-inch and 12-inch transmissions mains, a 1.0 million gallon pre-stressed ground storage tank, a chemical feed system, and a high service distribution pump station. This includes design of the ground storage, high service pumping, flow metering, and disinfection. b. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Governor’s Park Water Treatment Plant, Clay County Utility Authority (CCUA) (Clay County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 2023 Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Project Engineer/Construction Inspector. This fast-track project is to provide potable water supply and treatment to serve new development in the county near Green Cove Springs. The project includes design and construction of two 20-inch water supply wells rated for 1,770 gpm each, with modification of the existing Consumptive Use Permit, aquifer performance testing and construction services during drilling. The Interim WTP includes design of the well head equipment, aeration, ground storage, high service pumping, flow metering, and disinfection. c. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Regulatory Compliance Surface Water Discharge Elimination, City of Jacksonville Beach, FL (St. Johns County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 2023 N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Project Engineer/Construction Inspector. This scope of services updates the existing reuse master plan and identifies beneficial reuse alternatives for the City to achieve compliance with Florida’s Senate Bill 64, which requires the elimination of non-beneficial surface water discharges from domestic wastewater facilities by 2032. d. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED COJB PCP Permit Renewal, City of Jacksonville Beach, FL (St. Johns County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 2023 N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Construction Inspector. Conducted a field site visit to evaluate the physical condition of the the facility. Evaluated treatment efficiencies and identified performance trends. Evaluated the Operations and Maintenance program and identified problems, treatment deficiencies and corrective actions. Produced an Operation and Maintenance Performance Report to submit with the permit renewal application. e. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED CDBG-DR Mitigation Engineering, City of Bristol (Liberty County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 2023 N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Project Engineer. Served as project engineer for the development of construction drawings and technical specifications for 1,640 LF of 6” water main, including isolations valves and fire hydrants. Design of approximately 1,640 LF of 6” PVC AAWA C900, DR 18 water main and associated isolations valves, fire hydrants to replace existing 2” galvanized steel pipe. The new 6” water line will improve water supply and reliable pressure to existing customers and as well as future users along Clay Street 900 watermain.The plans were completed in September 2023 and FDEP permit obtained soon after. STANDARD FORM 330 (REV. 7/2021) PAGE 17 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Michael Urchuk, RLA Senior Landscape Architect a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 34 8 63 of 19912. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Michael Urchuk, RLA Senior Landscape Architect a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 34 8 63 of 199 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) Dewberry Engineers Inc. (Raleigh, NC) 16. EDUCATION (Degree and Specialization) 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (State and Discipline) BS/Landscape Architecture Registered Landscape Architect/FL 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) Michael Urchuk has 34 years of experience and has a varied background in landscape architecture and planning. As a Project Manager, he is responsible for coordination across design disciplines and acts as a liaison between the owner, design team, and contractor. He is also responsible for coordinating design efforts and project submittals. Michael’s experience as a landscape architect includes retail office, residential, mixed-use, streetscapes, and recreational uses, as well as hardscape and irrigation design. Hardscape designs include corporate plazas, streetscapes, fountains, amenity areas for multi-family projects, and urban plazas. Michael also provides construction administration services on multiple levels including shop drawings and RFI reviews, field reports, final punch lists, and on-site project coordination meetings. 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS a. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Live Oak Lake CDD (Twin Lakes Development) (Osceola County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Landscape Architect. Live Oak Lake CDD is a multi-phased active adult community consisting of residential units, green open space tracts with community facilities and a community amenity center located just off of Live Oak Lake. Phases 1 – 8 consists of a mix of 50 and 70-feet duplex units totaling 2,023 units. Dewberry’s services include entitlements, planning, surveying, site/civil engineering, roadway design, bridge design, signal design, environmental/permitting, landscape/ hardscape design, assistance with the City master upsizing agreements, and construction administration. b. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED VillaSol CDD (Osceola County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Landscape Architect. As District Engineer, Dewberry’s services include stormwater management system design, water and sewer system design, roadway design, landscaping, recreational facilities, street lighting, and inspection services. Dewberry assisted the district in instituting a proactive program for infrastructure inspection and repair to mitigate the rising cost of performing emergency repairs caused by a reactive approach. c. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Narcoosee CDD (Orlando, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Landscape Architect. The Narcoossee CDD is located in Orange County, Florida, and consists of approximately 416 acres. The project is projected to have 540 single-family units, 860 multi-family units, and 278,000 square feet of retail and office space. Michael worked on the expanding of existing decorative walls along Dowden Roadway, as well as landscaping review. d. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Lancaster Park East (St. Cloud, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Landscape Architect. This project consists of 461 single family units and community facilities. Dewberry was tasked with designing and permitting the site layout, stormwater management facilities, utilities, grading, drainage, easement vacations, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), CLOMR, and LOMR approvals. Dewberry provided planning and entitlements, landscape/hardscape design, site/civil engineering, and construction administration. e. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Roadway Operations Facility, CFX (Orlando, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Landscape Architect. As the General Engineering Consultant to CFX, Dewberry has provided both architectural and civil engineering services for the CFX Roadway Operations Facility. The new facility includes a 6,500 square foot office building, fueling station, small vehicle maintenance bays, warehouse, three enclosed storage buildings totaling 23,000 square feet, and a laydown yard. STANDARD FORM 330 (REV. 7/2021) PAGE 18 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Aziza Baan, GISP Senior GIS Professional a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 18 2 64 of 19912. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Aziza Baan, GISP Senior GIS Professional a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 18 2 64 of 199 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) Dewberry Engineers Inc. (Lakeland, FL) 16. EDUCATION (Degree and Specialization) 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (State and Discipline) BS/Environmental Science Geographic Information Systems Professional/FL 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) Aziza serves as a GIS lead and a water resources geospatial scientist with 16 years of experience. She manages GIS tasks and is proficient in working with GIS in environmental, water resources, and civil disciplines. She specializes in stream and wetland restoration planning and design, watershed modeling, geospatial database design, mobile applications, floodplain mapping, mining reclamation, land use planning, environmental permitting, environmental risk assessments, terrain processing, and spatial and volumetric analysis. Her software proficiency includes ArcGIS Advanced, ArcGIS PRO, ArcHydro, ArcGIS Collector, ArcGIS Online, Survey123, Trimble GPS, X-Tools, ET Geowizards, CrossView, Feature Analyst, Microsoft Access, Sigma Plot, and MIKE 11 GIS. Aziza has also provided GIS training staff of various GIS experience levels. 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS a. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Continuing Services, Volusia County (Volusia County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm GIS Lead. Under our continuing services contract, Dewberry provides site/civil engineering, roadway design, trail design, coastal design services, construction administration, environmental/permitting service, landscape architecture, signal design, and surveying and mapping. b. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Lakewood Ranch, Stewardship District (Sarasota and Manatee County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 2023 N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm GIS Lead. Dewberry is currently performing engineering services for the Lakewood Ranch Stewardship District. Our services include engineering, surveying, and construction administration. These services include the design, permitting, and construction administration of over two miles of roadway. c. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Cypress Creek Master Drainage Plan, Tampa Bay Water Authority (Wesley Chapel, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing N/A (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm GIS Lead. Development of a master drainage plan including a detailed existing and proposed conditions model, to obtain a comprehensive ERP for the 62-acre facility. d. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED NeoCity Property Development, Osceola County (Osceola County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm GIS Lead. This ±540-acre institutional and commercial development serves as a regionally significant surface water reservoir system for water detention, treatment, and re-use to service the surrounding urbanized area. Dewberry is responsible for leading the permitting of the development from pre-design surveys through securing permits including authorization to impact over 225 acres of USACE jurisdictional wetlands, and an additional 4 acres previously utilized for USACE wetland mitigation. Protected Species coordination involved snail kite, wood stork, indigo snake, Audubon’s crested caracara and gopher tortoise. e. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED West Villages Improvement District (Sarasota County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing Ongoing (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm GIS Lead. Dewberry acts in the general capacity of District Engineer and provides the District engineering services including but not limited to attendance at Board, staff, and other meetings; participation in the District’s issuance of new and maintenance of existing financing; monitoring the District projects; overseeing construction and/or acquisition activities; preparation of certifications, documents, and reports in furtherance of District engineering activities. STANDARD FORM 330 (REV. 7/2021) PAGE 19 12. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Zulay Marti, RA Senior Architect a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 19 4 65 of 19912. NAME 13. ROLE IN THIS CONTRACT 14. YEARS EXPERIENCE Zulay Marti, RA Senior Architect a. TOTAL b. WITH CURRENT FIRM 19 4 65 of 199 15. FIRM NAME AND LOCATION (City and State) Dewberry Engineers Inc. (Orlando, FL) 16. EDUCATION (Degree and Specialization) 17. CURRENT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION (State and Discipline) BArch/Architecture; MA/Special Education, Registered Architect/FL/GA/MD/VA Assessment and Curriculum 18. OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Publications, Organizations, Training, Awards, etc.) Zulay is an experienced Senior Architect and Project Manager with extensive knowledge in building design, space planning, construction drawings, and construction administration. Throughout her 16-year architectural career, she has gained extensive experience in the coordination of simultaneous projects, direct client interaction, team scheduling, quality control, on-time project delivery, and construction administration. She approaches each project with a focus on aesthetics, functionality, cost and engineering as a whole. Zulay is a design professional experienced in Criminal Justice, Federal and State project building typologies in both secure and non-secure environments. Other areas of specialization include: Transportation: Executive Airport Hangars; Retail: Shopping Centers; Dining: Fast food services, ice cream parlors, restaurants with commercial kitchens; and, Wellness: Gyms. 19. RELEVANT PROJECTS a. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED A/E Term Contract for Vertical Construction Projects, Volusia County (Volusia County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing 2024 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Project Manager. Continuous contract providing professional architectural and engineering task assignments for vertical construction projects. Contract #RSQ No. 20SQ-78SR. Professional disciplines include architecture, engineering, landscape architecture, and scope includes the preparation of schematic design, design documents, construction documents, construction administration, bid documents and project close out. Currently building dorms designed for the correctional facility which will be done at the end of 2024 (VCBJ West Wing Dorms). b. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Public Safety Facility, City of Casselberry (Casselberry, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing 2023 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Project Manager. Dewberry is providing architecture, interior design, landscape, and civil design, permitting, and construction administration services for the development of the Casselberry Public Safety Facility. The 25,900 SF, hurricane-hardened public safety command center will feature staff sleep quarters, fitness room and lockers, a media room, a community meeting room open to the public and other organizations, evidence processing and storage space, an incident command center, and training rooms. The design team was asked to develop an overall master plan the City’s future Police Station with future expansion capabilities along with the future Seminole County Fire Station on the same project site. The master plan was developed to include phased construction, shared vehicular circulation, and other site amenities including garbage enclosures, stormwater retention, and monument signage. c. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Headquarters Safe Room, Gulf Coast Electrical Cooperative (Gulf County, FL) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) 2022-Ongoing Est. 2024 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Project Manager. Dewberry is providing architecture and civil engineering for the hurricane safe room for Gulf County Electrical Cooperative in the Panhandle. The facility will feature a command center for field personnel to be deployed after a storm event. It will also incorporate an incident command center for Gulf County that will act as a remote emergency operation center. Redundancy will be built into HVAC potable water and electrical systems. The facility is designed to withstand a Category 4 hurricane. d. (1) TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) (2) YEAR COMPLETED Crisis Stabilization Center, Fredrick County (Fredrick County, MD) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable) Ongoing Est. 2025 (3) BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Brief scope, size, cost, etc.) AND SPECIFIC ROLE X Check if project performed with current firm Project Manager. Master concept plan, programming, design, construction documents, cost estimating, bidding process assistance, permitting and construction administration services for the interior renovation of the 11,500 SF Crisis Stabilization Center. The facility will offer a 24/7 program that is responsive to local behavioral health needs, grounded in a public health framework, and integrated into the behavioral health crisis care system in Frederick County. STANDARD FORM 330 (REV. 7/2021) PAGE 20 F. EXAMPLE PROJECTS WHICH BEST ILLUSTRATE PROPOSED TEAM’S QUALIFICATIONS FOR THIS CONTRACT (Present as many projects as requested by the agency, or 10 projects, if not specified. Complete one Section F for each project.) 20. EXAMPLE PROJECT KEY NUMBER 21. TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) 22. YEAR COMPLETED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable)Westside Haines City CDD (Winter Haven, FL) Ongoing Ongoing 9 74 of 19921. TITLE AND LOCATION (City and State) 22. YEAR COMPLETED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION (If applicable)Westside Haines City CDD (Winter Haven, FL) Ongoing Ongoing 9 74 of 199 23. PROJECT OWNER’S INFORMATION a. PROJECT OWNER b. POINT OF CONTACT NAME c. POINT OF CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER Governmental Management Services Jill Burns, District Manager 407.841.5524 x 115 The Westside Haines City CDD is 613.43 acres located in Winter Haven, Florida. The District currently contains approximately 613.43 acres and is expected to consist of 2,752 residential lots of various sizes for single-family lots and townhome lots with recreation/amenity areas, parks, and associated infrastructure for the various villages. Dewberry is the CDD Engineer for this project. Our services include civil engineering, permitting, roadway design, stormwater monitoring, permits, recreational facilities, and infrastructure review reports. HOMES WITHIN THE WESTSIDE HAINES CDD. • CONSULTANT FEES TO DATE $44,500 • SERVICES Civil Engineering Permitting Roadway Design Stormwater Monitoring and Permit Recreational Facilities Infrastructure Review Reports 25. FIRMS FROM SECTION C INVOLVED WITH THIS PROJECT a. (1) FIRM NAME Dewberry Engineers Inc. (2) FIRM LOCATION (City and State) Orlando, FL (3) ROLE District Engineer STANDARD FORM 330 (REV. 7/2021) PAGE 29 H. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 30. PROVIDE ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED BY THE AGENCY. ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NEEDED. 77 of 19977 of 199 FIRM QUALIFICATIONS Dewberry is a leading, multi-disciplined firm with a proven history of providing professional services to a wide variety of public- and private-sector clients. Established in 1956, Dewberry is headquartered in Fairfax, Virginia, with 60 locations and over 2,500+ professionals nationwide, including our local office in Orlando. Recognized for combining unsurpassed commitment to client service with deep subject matter expertise, Dewberry is dedicated to solving clients’ challenges and transforming their communities. Dewberry’s Florida operation is backed by the resources and stability of a national firm and specializes in site/civil, environmental, utility infrastructure, transportation engineering, surveying, architecture, and land development services. Dewberry’s local Orlando office includes 120 people, with 15 office locations and over 350 employees across Florida, bringing expertise, qualifications, and resources to cities and counties throughout the state. Dewberry supports large and small projects in the following primary service areas: • Alternative delivery • Architecture • Building engineering • Disaster response and emergency management • Energy services • Environmental services • Geospatial services • Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing services • Program management • Site/civil services • Surveying/mapping • Sustainability • Transportation • Water/wastewater/reclaimed water services Relevant Experience The absolute best predictor of future success is past performance, and we have a lot of experience in all areas required for this contract. Whether we are providing professional design engineering services or as a previous District Engineer, our track record speaks for itself. Our local leadership team has planned, funded, constructed, and maintained projects in the Orlando area for over 40 years. Serving as District Engineer is Rey Malavé, PE. Rey has 41 years of experience in civil engineering and a diversified background in the design and permitting of infrastructure systems, including public facilities, utility systems, office buildings, commercial developments, recreational facilities, and industrial developments. He has extensive experience with permitting agencies, including FDEP, FDOT, Florida Water Management Districts, and other local agencies. He has served as the District Engineer for over 25 CDDs and Improvement Districts in Florida. Serving as Assistant District Engineer is Joey Duncan, PE. Joey brings 42 years of progressive leadership experience in program management and civil engineering for both the public and private sectors, with an emphasis on the planning, design, and construction of water and power infrastructure. Joey will collaborate with the District Manager, attorneys, and board of directors to identify the needs of the District, provide expert technical information to facilitate problem solving and decision making by the DM and BOD. Technical and professional tasks will be clearly stated, schedule and budget finalized, and any risks to project cost or schedule will be communicated expediently to solicit feedback and ensure clear communication and quality deliverables. He previously served as Director of Public Works for the City of Jacksonville, the largest city by land mass in the United States. In this role, he oversaw seven divisions responsible for horizontal and vertical public infrastructure across 840 square miles, with a total capital and operating budget of $1 billion. DEWBERRY HAS SERVED OVER 50 CDDS IN FLORIDA. The following CDD projects are representative of our relevant project experience: • Baymeadows Improvement District, Duval County • Shingle Creek CDD, Osceola County • Shingle Creek at Bronson CDD, Osceola County • Old Hickory CDD, Osceola County • Woodland Crossing CDD, Sumter County • Baytree CDD, Brevard County • Cascades at Groveland CDD, Lake County • Country Greens CDD, Lake County • Covington Park CDD, Hillsborough County • Deer Run CDD, Flagler County • Dowden West CDD, Orlando • East Park CDD, Orange County • Greater Lakes – Sawgrass Bay CDD, Lake Wales • Highland Meadows CDD, Polk County • Lake Emma CDD, Groveland • Lakewood Ranch CDDs 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, Sarasota and Manatee County • Lakewood Ranch Stewardship, Sarasota and Manatee County • Live Oak Lake CDD, Osceola County • Montecito CDD, Brevard County • Narcoossee CDD, Orange County • On-Top-of-the-World CDDs, Marion County • Chandler Hills East CDD, Marion County STANDARD FORM 330 (REV. 7/2021) PAGE 32 H. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 30. PROVIDE ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED BY THE AGENCY. ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NEEDED. 78 of 19978 of 199 • Indigo East CDD, Marion County • Bay Laurel Center CDD, Marion County • Osceola Chain of Lakes, Osceola County • Reedy Creek Improvement District, Osceola County • Reunion Resort CDD, Osceola County • Verandas CDD, Pasco County • Viera CDD, Brevard County • VillaSol CDD, Osceola County • West Villages Improvement District, Sarasota County Project Approach We have prepared an organizational approach to fit the specific categories of the organization and operations to support both large and small engineering projects. Through our many years of serving as District Engineer, we’ve been successful at becoming an extension of the CDD’s Project Management group, with the ability to understand project needs and proposing only on what is necessary to complete the task at hand. Our management team is committed to a quality product that is consistent with Poinciana West CDD’s policies and procedures. Stormwater Management Services Our integrated stormwater management services range from large basin studies to the design of collection systems. Our team has performed analysis on various projects throughout Florida. We have designed culvert replacements to extensions on numerous roadway projects, ranging from two-lane rural widening to multi-lane expressways. Drainage design and permitting are critical parts of any project. We will provide assistance to the District in coordination with MS4 support, total maximum daily loads, numeric nutrient criteria support, drainage, erosion and sediment control, stormwater basin modeling, assessment and evaluation drainage systems, design and construction plans for stormwater management systems, and coordination with state and federal agencies. Assumptions and/or omissions in this area can cause significant delays in the project schedule, increase costs during construction, and even lead to possible litigation against the District. We are experienced in identifying, analyzing, and addressing drainage impacts associated with a variety of project types. Our drainage staff is knowledgeable of Water Management District criteria, and we are adept at developing creative and innovative solutions to drainage problems. We also have experience preparing flood studies with FEMA. At the heart of our approach is a thorough document review of the existing plans, USGS Quadrangle Maps, USDA Soil Survey, FEMA Flood Insurance Maps and aerial photographs. With this data in hand, we will perform a field review during the pre- scope meeting, identify all drainage and permitting issues, and discuss possible drainage solutions with the District. Existing drainage patterns, ponding concerns and erosion problems will be documented. We will contact the District’s Maintenance Engineer to discuss any concerns regarding the project area. Water/Wastewater Services Our team can provide utility analyses of existing master systems, preparation and updates to master plans, as well as preparation of utility construction plans. Dewberry can analyze the existing utility systems and make recommendations for upgrades or replacement. We have designed numerous utility collection and transmission facilities, gravity sewers, force mains, reuse water, and potable water systems. We have also designed numerous wastewater and water pump stations. We also have experience in the transformation of septic tank systems by the installation of new sewer systems. Transportation Services Dewberry has provided roadway and bridge design services to numerous governmental agencies throughout Florida for over 30 years. Our projects have ranged from minor intersection improvements and milling and resurfacing of existing roadways to capacity improvements and complex, multilevel interchanges. The extensive experience of our staff in the design, preparation of construction documents, and post design services for roadways, bridges, and associated systems provides Poinciana West with the expertise to handle any type of transportation related assignment. Our transportation design staff, coupled with the survey, drainage, environmental, and permitting capabilities, allows us to efficiently complete any assignment, as all disciplines required are available in-house. Traffic design may include one or more of the following items, dependent upon a specific project: signing design, pavement marking design, signal warrant analysis, signalization design, lighting justification, lighting design, and traffic studies. We have extensive experience in these phases of the project, and we are qualified to perform all aspects of traffic engineering. Engineering services related to structural design may be required for bridge widenings, bridge rail replacements, box culvert extensions, retaining walls, sheet piling, overhead sign structures, multi-post guide signs, signal poles, mast arms light poles, and foundations for signs, signal poles, and lighting. We have an experienced in-house staff to provide these services. Survey and Mapping Services Dewberry has provided continuing surveying services for many counties and municipalities throughout the State of Florida. Our large in-house survey staff, with numerous crews out of our Orlando and Jacksonville office, are well-versed in the rigors of on-call assignments and the immediate response time they require. We utilize state-of-the-art equipment to provide cost effective surveying, ROW mapping, utility designation, and subsurface utility engineering (SUE) for roadway, municipal, and civil development projects. We have extensive experience in boundary surveys, topographic design surveys, tree surveys, inventory surveys, and underground utility mapping. Our survey team has a dedicated staff of photogrammetrists who specialize in aerial photogrammetry, fixed and aerial LiDAR, and GIS mapping. Our services for surveying and mapping may include as- built surveys, boundary surveys, eminent domain surveys, GIS, legal description preparation, plat preparation, property sketches, ROW mapping, SUE, topographic surveys, and utility surveys. SUE technology combines geophysics, surveying, and civil engineering to better locate underground utilities. This service helps our clients avoid costly utility conflicts and construction delays caused by inaccurately plotted utilities. Our 3D laser scanning equipment allows our survey crews to accurately STANDARD FORM 330 (REV. 7/2021) PAGE 33 H. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 30. PROVIDE ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED BY THE AGENCY. ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NEEDED. 79 of 19979 of 199 collect field data comprehensively and, most importantly, safely. Dewberry is one of a select few firms in the state to have this technology. Environmental/Permitting Services From determining wetland lines to the understanding of current rules and regulations for water management districts, our staff has full understanding and experience in providing these services for cities and other governmental agencies. We have obtained permits with various local, state, and federal agencies for a variety of projects. We understand how to prepare permit applications, work closely with the agencies, and obtain permits for your projects. Dewberry will track the permit status for each agency, keep the District informed of the progress of all permits, and respond promptly to all requests for additional information. As part of our efforts for the Poinciana West CDD, we will assist in determining the permits needed for each development project along with the anticipated schedules for obtaining each permit. Additionally, we have experience in permitting with governmental agencies such as the Water Management Districts, FDEP, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and FDOT. We have staff that consists of both engineers and environmental scientists, many of which have worked previously for various permitting agencies. Landscape Architecture/Planning Dewberry has extensive landscape architecture experience throughout Florida. Our project experience includes residential, retail office, mixed-use, streetscapes, and recreational uses, as well as hardscape and irrigation design. Our hardscape designs have included corporate plazas, streetscapes, fountains, amenity areas for multi-family projects, and urban plazas. Our planning services to Shingle Creek at Bronson CDD will include presentations to CDD Commissioners and public meetings, where we would provide assistance to the District for the understanding of technical issues, proposed developments, projected roadway designs, possible ROW changes, and to provide a professional and expert opinion on issues that may be needed by the District. Dewberry can assist the District with the following planning services: • Comprehensive planning • Review of comprehensive plan amendments • Preparing land development regulations, including form based codes, GIS, and mapping services • Transportation planning • Revitalization/redevelopment planning Public Involvement and Outreach Open and effective communication is essential to the successful completion of any project. It’s important to develop and maintain a sense of trust and understanding with the public. This is best accomplished by developing a plan tailored to the surrounding community potentially impacted and depending on the nature and extent of the project. Outreach may include a Community Awareness Plan, which would detail the specific methods proposed and list the targeted stakeholders within a specific corridor or project study area. Other public outreach activities could include the management of a project hotline and/or stakeholder database and distributing information through a variety of notifications to local residents, property owners, schools, businesses, local officials, and other stakeholders. We have found that evaluation of all potential improvements and design concepts and sharing the results of extensive data collection early in the study process creates a level of comfort with the public in two respects: • There is an open exchange of information; and • A technically sound approach is being used to serve the best interests of the public. Coordination with City staff and others will be strengthened by our team’s diverse project experience and previous involvement with a variety of stakeholders. Our team is adept at planning and coordinating public workshops, and smaller homeowner associations, and group workshops. Construction Administration/CEI We have continually provided construction administration services to our clients on most of the projects we have designed. Dewberry understands the importance of establishing and maintaining budgets. As a project is constructed, our team must monitor the project budget and keep the District consistently informed. We have worked with many cities and counties on providing all construction services, including assistance in the preparation of bid documents, prebid meetings, pre-construction meetings, construction administration, site observation, pay application review, and approvals. We also provide shop drawing reviews and approvals per construction documents. We will provide assistance to District staff in the administration of construction contracts. Our team is currently providing these services to many municipalities across the state of Florida. Our construction administration staff is prepared to support the District in various construction management related tasks. We routinely perform these services for both our public and private clients. Our services include: • Construction Inspection • Shop Drawing Review • Pay Application Verification • Construction Scheduling • Utility Company Coordination • Final Regulatory Acceptance • Record Drawings • Project Value Engineering • Bid Document Preparation • Bid Summarization and Analysis • Contract Preparation Task Initiation Our Project Approach will vary due to the type of assignment; however, the important first steps in task initiation involve data gathering and scope development. Data Gathering This phase consists of defining the project objectives, identifying elements involved in the task, conducting a field review meeting (if required), and developing a detailed scope of services. This phase will begin once the District has identified a STANDARD FORM 330 (REV. 7/2021) PAGE 34 H. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 30. PROVIDE ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED BY THE AGENCY. ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NEEDED. 81 of 19981 of 199 • Experienced Client Manager: Our District Engineer, Rey Malavé, routinely manages multi-discipline projects where coordination is critical. Dewberry’s wide range of in-house services ensures close coordination between disciplines, enabling us to direct our staffing resources. • Weekly Team Meetings: Coordination will be ensured through weekly team meetings. These meetings will be used to track progress on individual tasks and as a planning tool. • Monthly Progress Reports: Monthly progress reports will be supplied to Poinciana West. These reports will be an effective snapshot of the status of each assignment and will be used to identify any potential schedule issues. • Being Proactive: We will be proactive (vs. reactive) on all tasks while managing the schedule Emphasis will be placed on the activity start dates to ensure timely completion. NPDES MS4 PROGRAM SUPPORT Having completed numerous programs for other cities and counties, we understand the MS4 Program and have the staff to assist the CDD in updates, compliance questions, and recommendations as needed in the ongoing program. INDEPENDENT PEER REVIEW An independent peer review is performed for each phase submittal. Dewberry’s established Quality Management Program requires the review to be performed by senior-level staff not directly involved in the project to make sure quality standards are met are met on every submittal. CONSTRUCTABILITY/BID-ABILITY REVIEW Prior to the 90 and 100 percent submittals, the plans will be subjected to a constructability/bid-ability review. This review will be performed by our in-house construction administrators , who are experienced in CDD requirements. Quality Assurance/Quality Control Dewberry understands the value of repeat business. Our District Engineer, Rey Malavé, PE, has 28 years of experience servicing a variety of CDDs across Florida. Our commitment to personalized client service is such that we guarantee we will respond to each client’s needs promptly and effectively. From the beginning, we recognized that functional efficiency and technical excellence must be provided as a matter of course in engineering design. Each project produced by our firm reflects this corporate commitment to excellence, and our insurance is our Quality Control Plan. Our Quality Assurance Plan and procedures are based on the philosophies that include: • Plan: Quality is controlled by adequate planning, coordination, supervision, technical direction, proper definition of job requirements and procedures, and the involvement of experienced professionals. • Do: Quality is achieved by individuals performing work functions carefully and “doing it right the first time.” • Check: Quality is verified through checking, reviewing, and supervising work activities, with documentation by objective individuals who were not directly responsible for performing the initial work. • Act: Quality is ensured by having a manager perform quality assurance functions that involve monitoring and close review of the work and the procedures used in performing the work. I. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE The foregoing is a statement of facts. 31. SIGNATURE 32. DATE 9.10.2024 33. NAME AND TITLE Rey Malave, Associate Vice President STANDARD FORM 330 (REV. 7/2021) PAGE 36 FIRM LICENSES State Licenses State of Florida Department of State I certify from the records of this office that DEWBERRY ENGINEERS INC. is a New York corporation authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, qualified on December 26, 2000. The document number of this corporation is F00000007242. I further certify that said corporation has paid all fees due this office through December 31, 2024, that its most recent annual report/uniform business report was filed on January 9, 2024, and that its status is active. I further certify that said corporation has not filed a Certificate of Withdrawal. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capital, this the Eleventh day of January, 2024 Tracking Number: 5028516753CU To authenticate this certificate,visit the following site,enter this number, and then follow the instructions displayed. https://services.sunbiz.org/Filings/CertificateOfStatus/CertificateAuthentication F I R M L I C E N S E S 43 POINCIANA WEST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ENGINEERING SERVICES 88 of 199 Please be advised that as of February 2021, the Florida Board of Professional Engineers (FBPE) does not require companies to renew their engineering licensure and therefore no longer have printable licenses nor applicable expiration dates, only a requirement that they be currently listed on the Board’s registry. Dewberry Engineers Inc. is up-to-date on professional registration to the board, which can be confirmed with a Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation (DBPR) licensee search. F I R M L I C E N S E S 44 POINCIANA WEST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ENGINEERING SERVICES 89 of 199 Under the provisions of Chapter 472, Florida Statutes Professional Surveyor and Mapper Business License DEWBERRY ENGINEERS INC. 800 N MAGNOLIA AVE STE 1000 ORLANDO, FL 32803-3251 This is to certify that the professional surveyor and mapper whose name and address are shown above is licensed as required by Chapter 472, Florida Statutes. WILTON SIMPSON COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE License No.: LB8011 Expiration Date February 28, 2025 Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Division of Consumer Services Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers 2005 Apalachee Pkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-6500 F I R M L I C E N S E S 45 POINCIANA WEST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ENGINEERING SERVICES 90 of 199 Personnel Licenses F I R M L I C E N S E S 46 POINCIANA WEST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ENGINEERING SERVICES 91 of 199 SECTION B 101 of 199 810 East Main Street • Bartow, FL 33830 • 863-537-7901 • admin@raylengineering.com www.raylengineering.com September 6, 2024 Ms. Tricia Adams c/o Governmental Management Services-Central Florida, LLC 219 E. Livingston Street Orlando, Florida 32801 RE: REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE POINCIANA WEST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Ms. Adams, Rayl Engineering & Surveying, LLC and our respective team members are pleased to present to the Selection Committee this response to the above referenced Request for Qualifications. We are confident that no other team can bring the project understanding, expertise, and experience to this RFQ that we do. Rayl Engineering & Surveying, LLC appreciates the opportunity to submit a response to this RFQ for Professional Engineering Services for the Poinciana West Community Development District and looks forward to your favorable evaluation. Sincerely, Alan L. Rayl, PE, PSM Rayl Engineering & Surveying, LLC 104 of 199 810 East Main Street • Bartow, FL 33830 • 863-537-7901 • admin@raylengineering.com www.raylengineering.com TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 ABILITY AND ADEQUACY OF PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL SECTION 2 CERTIFIED MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE SECTION 3 WILLINGNESS TO MEET TIME AND BUDGET REQUIREMENTS SECTION 4 CONSULTANT’S PAST EXPERIENCE AND PERFORMANCE SECTION 5 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION SECTION 6 RECENT, CURRENT, AND PROJECTED WORKLOADS SECTION 7 VOLUME OF WORK PREVIOUSLY AWARDED TO CONSULTANT BY CDD APPENDIX A CORPORATE RESUME B RAYL ENGINEERING & SURVEYING, LLC EMPLOYEE RESUMES C FORM 330 D ORGANIZATIONAL CHART OF RAYL ENGINEERING & SURVEYING, LLC E LICENSES AND INSURANCE 105 of 199 810 East Main Street • Bartow, FL 33830 • 863-537-7901 • admin@raylengineering.com www.raylengineering.com SECTION 1 Ability and Adequacy of Professional Personnel (Weight 25 Points) Rayl Engineering & Surveying, LLC is an S Corp business and has been since being founded in August of 2009. Our office is located at 810 E Main Street, Bartow, FL 33380. Alan L. Rayl, PE, PSM is the Owner and solely in charge of all management decisions. Alan opened the firm after being with other firms in the Tampa Bay and Central Florida markets since 1987. During the economic downturn, Alan also held the position of Polk County Engineer in the Land Development Division of the Office of Planning and Development. Alan Rayl is involved in all aspects of all Engineering & Surveying projects as well as Client and customer service. Alan Rayl will be personally involved in all engineering and construction related tasks. Our team is made up of nine (9) employees all located in our Bartow office. Among those are a dual licensed Professional Engineer & Surveyor, a licensed Professional Engineer, one licensed Engineering Intern (EIs), three CAD Design Technicians, and three clerical/administrative staff members. We provide private sector land development engineering design and permitting across Central Florida, as well as public sector consulting to many of Polk County municipalities. Our clientele includes local developers and businesses, multiple Community Development Districts and Property Owner’s Associations/Homeowner’s Associations, National Home Builders, the cities of Mulberry and Fort Meade, and the Town of Dundee. Our in-house services include general civil engineering and land surveying services. When needed, local specialty sub-consultants are utilized on a perproject basis. Please see Appendix A and Appendix B for Rayl Engineering & Surveying, LLC’s corporate resume, as well as all employee resumes. 106 of 199 810 East Main Street • Bartow, FL 33830 • 863-537-7901 • admin@raylengineering.com www.raylengineering.com SECTION 2 Certified Minority Business Enterprise (Weight 5 Points) Rayl Engineering and Surveying, LLC is not a certified Minority Business Enterprise. SECTION 3 Willingness to Meet Time and Budget Requirements (Weight 15 Points) Our success is a byproduct of our Client’s success. This comes from our ability to provide responsive, timely service with the greatest amount of Professional expertise and care for fees that meet our Client’s budget expectations. Having served as the primary engineering consultant for other Community Development Districts, we have an intimate understanding of the needs, strengths, and challenges that these entities face. By not keeping a large in-house staff or high overhead, we can pass on these efficiencies to our Clients to bring their projects to fruition. 107 of 199 810 East Main Street • Bartow, FL 33830 • 863-537-7901 • admin@raylengineering.com www.raylengineering.com Appendix A Corporate Resume 111 of 199 CORPORATE RESUME 810 East Main Street • Bartow, FL 33830 • 863-537-7901 • alan@raylengineering.com www.raylengineering.com EXPERTISE Rayl Engineering & Surveying, LLC was formed in August 2009 by Alan L. Rayl, PE, PSM. Since that time, our firm has provided professional services to numerous public and private sector clients across Central Florida and the Midwest. Our clientele includes local developers and businesses, multiple Community Development Districts and Property Owner’s Associations/Homeowner’s Associations, National Home Builders, the cities of Mulberry and Fort Meade, and the Town of Dundee. Our firm believes heavily in community involvement. We volunteer. We participate. We get to know our Clients and their priorities. This provides a personal investment for us and makes us part of the communities we serve. SERVICES Rayl Engineering & Surveying, LLC offers a comprehensive set of Civil Engineering and Land Surveying services that include: • Residential Civil Engineering Design and Permitting • Commercial Civil Engineering Design and Permitting • Construction Administration • Land Surveying • Feasibility Studies and Conceptual Plans • Due Diligence Investigation • Site Forensic Evaluations and Remediation Designs • Expert Witness Research and Testimony • CDD District Engineer Services o RFQ/RFP Preparation • Site Plan Review Services o SWFWMD Compliance Solutions EXPERIENCE The following are projects performed by Rayl Engineering and Surveying, LLC and/or by its principal, Alan Rayl, PE, PSM. Patterson Park, Fort Meade, FL – Restoration of utility service to the park bathroom facility through new water and wastewater lines, including a new onsite lift station. The project also includes re-establishment of the Park Concession facilities (including new utility service) and the upsizing of a local water line to improve service and pressure. CFRPC Office - Bartow, FL Engineer of Record for the Award-Winning redevelopment of the existing CFRPC office site. Services provided were design of demolition of existing asphalt parking lot and replacement with a pervious paving system made from recycled rubber tires. The approximately 10,000 sf parking lot contains over 4,000 used tires. The project also included a site-wide comprehensive design and installation of new landscaping consisting of Florida-native plants, including a micro-irrigation system. Citywide Stormwater Utility Fee - Mulberry, FL Rayl Engineering & Surveying, LLC coordinated with City administration to correct the assessments being made for the Stormwater Utility Fee. The City was not initially aware of the need for this correction. The Ordinance provided for a flat rate ($4) for residences and an impervious surface coverage-based rate for non-residential properties. At the initial implementation, all properties were being assessed the $4 fee. This was costing the City over $44,000/year in uncollected fees. Lake Ashton I CDD (Lake Wales, FL) and Lake Ashton II CDD (Winter Haven, FL) Rayl Engineering & Surveying, LLC is the current District Engineer for the Lake Ashton I and II Community Development Districts. We have provided a variety of services to the CDDs including a pavement and curbline assessment and inventory, Pickleball court design and permitting, pond repair recommendations, and more. Alan L. Rayl has been serving the Lake Ashton I CDD since 2019 and the Lake Ashton II CDD since 2015. Rayl Engineering & Surveying, LLC was the preferred consultant to replace Dewberry as District Engineers for Lake Ashton I in 2019 and has been serving in that capacity since. 112 of 199 810 East Main Street • Bartow, FL 33830 • 863-537-7901 • admin@raylengineering.com www.raylengineering.com Appendix B Rayl Engineering & Surveying, LLC Employee Resumes 113 of 199 Maura Torres Sr. Design Technician Maura Torres has been employed as a CAD Technician with Rayl Engineering and Surveying, LLC since June of 2024. Education Drafting - Ridge Career Center, Winter Haven, FL, 2013-2014 Bachelor’s Degree Civil Engineer - Instituto Polytechnic “José A. Echeverría” (ISPJAE), Cuba, 1993 Special Qualifications • Over 10 years experience preparing construction plans, both residential and commercial, in Auto CAD. • Experienced in construction inspection and estimate preparation. • “Best of Show” in Blueprint & Modeling Competition - 2014 119 of 199 810 East Main Street • Bartow, FL 33830 • 863-537-7901 • admin@raylengineering.com www.raylengineering.com Appendix C Form 330 123 of 199 124 of 199 125 of 199 126 of 199 127 of 199 128 of 199 129 of 199 130 of 199 131 of 199 132 of 199 133 of 199 134 of 199 135 of 199 136 of 199 137 of 199 138 of 199 139 of 199 810 East Main Street • Bartow, FL 33830 • 863-537-7901 • admin@raylengineering.com www.raylengineering.com Appendix D Organizational Chart of Rayl Engineering & Surveying, LLC 140 of 199 810 East Main Street • Bartow, FL 33830 • 863-537-7901 • admin@raylengineering.com www.raylengineering.com Appendix E Licenses and Insurance 142 of 199 810 East Main Street • Bartow, FL 33830 • 863-537-7901 • admin@raylengineering.com www.raylengineering.com 144 of 199 810 East Main Street • Bartow, FL 33830 • 863-537-7901 • admin@raylengineering.com www.raylengineering.com 145 of 199 SECTION IX 147 of 199 SECTION X 149 of 199 SECTION C 150 of 199 SECTION 1 151 of 199 Date check #'s 1110129////1111----1119012/3///3330011 2222000067892568----2222000107891145 Amount $$16$$78155534,,,,170869790200....46004635 TOTAL $928,913.18 Poinciana West COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Fiscal Year 2025 Check Register 152 of 199 AP300R YEAR-TO-DATE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PREPAID/COMPUTER CHECK REGISTER RUN 1/08/25 PAG E *** CHECK DATES 09/01/2024 - 12/31/2024 *** POINCIANA WEST - GENERAL FUND BANK A GENERAL FUND CHECK VEND# .....INVOICE..... ...EXPENSED TO... VENDOR NAME STATUS AMOUNT ....CHECK.... . DATE DATE INVOICE YRMO DPT ACCT# SUB SUBCLASS AMOUNT # 9/17/24 00016 8/29/24 2207630 202408 310-51300-31100 * 150.00 ENGINEER SVCS AUG 24 GAI CONSULTANTS, INC 150.00 002068 9/17/24 00001 9/01/24 185 202409 310-51300-34000 * 3,433.33 MANAGEMENT FEES SEP 24 9/01/24 185 202409 310-51300-35200 * 68.75 WEBSITE ADMIN SEP 24 9/01/24 185 202409 310-51300-35100 * 103.17 INFORMATION TECH SEP 24 9/01/24 185 202409 310-51300-31300 * 291.67 DISSEMINATION SVC SEP 24 9/01/24 186 202409 320-53800-12000 * 884.08 FIELD MANAGEMENT - SEP24 GOVERNMENTAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES-CF 4,781.00 002069 9/17/24 00013 9/17/24 09172024 202409 300-20700-10000 * 2,559.55 ASSESSMENT TSFR SER17 POINCIANA WEST CDD C/O US BANK 2,559.55 002070 9/17/24 00041 9/01/24 PSI10309 202409 320-53800-47000 * 5,599.50 AQUATIC MAINT SEP 24 SOLITUDE LAKE MANAGEMENT, LLC 5,599.50 002071 10/16/24 00005 9/16/24 1035270 202409 320-53800-47100 * 2,209.33 MOSQUITO MAINT SEP 24 CLARKE ENVIRONMENTAL MOSQUITO 2,209.33 002072 10/16/24 00033 10/01/24 18907 202409 310-51300-31500 * 2,790.00 GENERAL COUNSEL SEP 24 CLARK & ALBAUGH, LLP 2,790.00 002073 10/16/24 00008 7/23/24 8-567-91 202407 310-51300-42000 * 8.62 DELIVERIES THRU 7/12/24 FEDEX 8.62 002074 10/16/24 00007 8/01/24 27039 202408 320-53800-46200 * 5,537.94 LANDSCAPE MAINT AUG 24 FLORALAWN 2, LLC 5,537.94 002075 10/16/24 00006 10/01/24 90965 202410 310-51300-54000 * 175.00 SPECIAL DISTRICT FEE FY25 FLORIDACOMMERCE 175.00 002076 10/16/24 00001 9/15/24 187 202410 310-51300-31700 * 5,250.00 ASSESSMENT ROLL CERT FY25 POIW POIN WEST CDD PPOWERS AP300R YEAR-TO-DATE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PREPAID/COMPUTER CHECK REGISTER RUN 1/08/25 PAGE *** CHECK DATES 09/01/2024 - 12/31/2024 ** * POINCIANA WEST - GENERAL FUND BANK A GENERAL FUND CHECK VEND# .....INVOICE..... ...EXPENSED TO... VENDOR NAME STATUS AMOUNT ....CHECK.... . DATE DATE INVOICE YRMO DPT ACCT# SUB SUBCLASS AMOUNT # 10/01/24 188 202410 310-51300-34000 * 3,605.00 MANAGEMENT FEES OCT 24 10/01/24 188 202410 310-51300-35200 * 72.25 WEBSITE ADMIN OCT 24 10/01/24 188 202410 310-51300-35100 * 108.33 INFORMATION TECH OCT 24 10/01/24 188 202410 310-51300-31300 * 306.25 DISSEMINATION SVC OCT 24 10/01/24 188 202410 310-51300-51000 * .03 OFFICE SUPPLIES OCT 24 10/01/24 188 202410 310-51300-42000 * 24.11 POSTAGE OCT 24 10/01/24 189 202410 320-53800-12000 * 928.33 FIELD MANAGEMENT OCT 24 GOVERNMENTAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES-CF 10,294.30 002077 10/16/24 00041 7/01/24 PSI08628 202407 320-53800-47000 * 5,599.50 AQUATIC MAINT JUL 24 8/01/24 PSI09502 202408 320-53800-47000 * 5,599.50 AQUATIC MAINT AUG 24 10/01/24 PSI11071 202410 320-53800-47000 * 5,599.50 AQUATIC MAINT OCT 24 SOLITUDE LAKE MANAGEMENT, LLC 16,798.50 002078 10/31/24 00028 10/17/24 10 202410 310-51300-31300 * 100.00 AMORT SCHED S17-1 11/1/24 10/17/24 10 202410 310-51300-31300 * 100.00 AMORT SCHED S17-2 11/1/24 10/17/24 10 202410 310-51300-31300 V 100.00AMORT SCHED S17-1 11/1/24 10/17/24 10 202410 310-51300-31300 V 100.00AMORT SCHED S17-2 11/1/24 DISCLOSURE SERVICES, LLC .00 002079 10/31/24 00031 8/19/24 24452 202410 310-51300-45000 * 5,200.00 FY25 ANNUAL INSURANCE 8/19/24 24452 202410 310-51300-45000 V 5,200.00FY25 ANNUAL INSURANCE EGIS INSURANCE & RISK ADVISORS .00 002080 10/31/24 00007 10/01/24 28028 202410 320-53800-46200 * 5,537.94 LANDSCAPE MAINT OCT 24 11/01/24 28663 202411 320-53800-46200 * 5,537.94 LANDSCAPE MAINT NOV 24 FLORALAWN 2, LLC 11,075.88 002081 POIW POIN WEST CDD PPOWERS AP300R YEAR-TO-DATE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PREPAID/COMPUTER CHECK REGISTER RUN 1/08/25 PAGE *** CHECK DATES 09/01/2024 - 12/31/2024 *** POINCIANA WEST - GENERAL FUND BANK A GENERAL FUND CHECK VEND# .....INVOICE..... ...EXPENSED TO... VENDOR NAME STATUS AMOUNT ....CHECK.... . DATE DATE INVOICE YRMO DPT ACCT# SUB SUBCLASS AMOUNT # 10/31/24 00044 9/30/24 6700676 202409 310-51300-48000 * 356.46 FISCAL YEAR 2024/2025 GANNETT FLORIDA LOCALIQ 356.46 002082 10/31/24 00041 10/24/24 PSI11815 202410 320-53800-47000 * 224.00 OCT 24 - LAKE MAINTENANCE SOLITUDE LAKE MANAGEMENT, LLC 224.00 002083 10/31/24 00028 10/17/24 10 202410 310-51300-31300 * 100.00 AMORT SCHED S17-1 11/1/24 10/17/24 10 202410 310-51300-31300 * 100.00 AMORT SCHED S17-2 11/1/24 DISCLOSURE SERVICES, LLC 200.00 002084 10/31/24 00031 8/19/24 24452 202410 310-51300-45000 * 5,200.00 FY25 ANNUAL INSURANCE EGIS INSURANCE & RISK ADVISORS 5,200.00 002085 11/26/24 00005 11/18/24 1035578 202410 320-53800-47100 * 2,275.60 MOSQUITO MAINT OCT 24 11/25/24 1035597 202411 320-53800-47100 * 2,275.60 MOSQUITO MAINT NOV 24 CLARKE ENVIRONMENTAL MOSQUITO 4,551.20 002086 11/26/24 00033 11/01/24 18947 202410 310-51300-31500 * 487.50 GENERAL COUNSEL OCT 24 CLARK & ALBAUGH, LLP 487.50 002087 11/26/24 00008 11/19/24 8-687-26 202411 310-51300-42000 * 76.96 DELIVERIES THRU 11/15/24 FEDEX 76.96 002088 11/26/24 00007 12/01/24 29281 202412 320-53800-46200 * 5,537.94 LANDSCAPE MAINT DEC 24 FLORALAWN 2, LLC 5,537.94 002089 11/26/24 00016 8/02/24 2206353 202407 310-51300-31100 * 600.00 ENGINEER SVCS JUL 24 GAI CONSULTANTS, INC 600.00 002090 11/26/24 00044 10/31/24 6745416 202410 310-51300-48000 * 279.82 ANNUAL AUDIT SERVICES GANNETT FLORIDA LOCALIQ 279.82 002091 11/26/24 00001 11/01/24 190 202411 310-51300-34000 * 3,605.00 MANAGEMENT FEES NOV 24 POIW POIN WEST CDD PPOWERS AP300R YEAR-TO-DATE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PREPAID/COMPUTER CHECK REGISTER RUN 1/08/25 PAGE *** CHECK DATES 09/01/2024 - 12/31/2024 ** * POINCIANA WEST - GENERAL FUND BANK A GENERAL FUND CHECK VEND# .....INVOICE..... ...EXPENSED TO... VENDOR NAME STATUS AMOUNT ....CHECK.... . DATE DATE INVOICE YRMO DPT ACCT# SUB SUBCLASS AMOUNT # 11/01/24 190 202411 310-51300-35200 * 72.25 WEBSITE ADMIN NOV 24 11/01/24 190 202411 310-51300-35100 * 108.33 INFORMATION TECH NOV 24 11/01/24 190 202411 310-51300-31300 * 306.25 DISSEMINATION SVC NOV 24 11/01/24 191 202411 320-53800-12000 * 928.33 FIELD MANAGEMENT NOV 24 GOVERNMENTAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES-CF 5,020.16 002092 11/26/24 00013 11/26/24 11262024 202411 300-20700-10000 * 153,415.58 ASSESSMENT TSFR SER17 POINCIANA WEST CDD C/O US BANK 153,415.58 002093 11/26/24 00041 11/02/24 PSI12456 202411 320-53800-47000 * 5,823.50 AQUATIC MAINT NOV 24 SOLITUDE LAKE MANAGEMENT, LLC 5,823.50 002094 12/23/24 00005 12/16/24 1035648 202412 320-53800-47100 * 2,275.60 MOSQUITO MAINT DEC 24 CLARKE ENVIRONMENTAL MOSQUITO 2,275.60 002095 12/23/24 00033 12/02/24 18976 202411 310-51300-31500 * 4,480.50 NOV 24 - GENERAL COUNSEL CLARK & ALBAUGH, LLP 4,480.50 002096 12/23/24 00008 11/26/24 86912784 202411 310-51300-42000 * 47.10 DELIVERIES THRU 11/26 FEDEX 47.10 002097 12/23/24 00044 11/11/24 6816682 202411 310-51300-48000 * 593.17 NOTICE OF AUDIT MEETING GANNETT FLORIDA LOCALIQ 593.17 002098 12/23/24 00001 12/01/24 192 202412 310-51300-34000 * 3,605.00 DEC 24 - MGMT FEES 12/01/24 192 202412 310-51300-35200 * 72.25 DEC 24 - WEBSITE ADMIN 12/01/24 192 202412 310-51300-35100 * 108.33 DEC 24 - IT 12/01/24 192 202412 310-51300-31300 * 306.25 DEC 24 - DISSEMINATION 12/01/24 192 202412 310-51300-51000 * 10.06 DEC 24 - SUPPLIES 12/01/24 192 202412 310-51300-42000 * 1.39 DEC 24 - POSTAGE POIW POIN WEST CDD PPOWERS AP300R YEAR-TO-DATE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PREPAID/COMPUTER CHECK REGISTER RUN 1/08/25 PAGE *** CHECK DATES 09/01/2024 - 12/31/2024 *** POINCIANA WEST - GENERAL FUND BANK A GENERAL FUND CHECK VEND# .....INVOICE..... ...EXPENSED TO... VENDOR NAME STATUS AMOUNT ....CHECK.... . DATE DATE INVOICE YRMO DPT ACCT# SUB SUBCLASS AMOUNT # 12/01/24 192 202412 310-51300-42500 * .60 DEC 24 - COPIES 12/01/24 193 202412 320-53800-12000 * 928.33 DEC 24 - FIELD MGMT GOVERNMENTAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES-CF 5,032.21 002099 12/23/24 00041 12/02/24 PSI13129 202412 320-53800-47000 * 5,823.50 NOV 24 - LAKE MAINT SOLITUDE LAKE MANAGEMENT, LLC 5,823.50 002100 12/30/24 00013 12/30/24 TAX REC 202412 300-20700-10000 * 666,908.36 TRANSFER OF TAX RECEIPTS POINCIANA WEST CDD C/O US BANK 666,908.36 002101 TOTAL FOR BANK A 928,913.18 TOTAL FOR REGISTER 928,913.18 POIW POIN WEST CDD PPOWERS SECTION 2 158 of 199 General Debt Service Totals Fund Fund Governmental Funds CADDauusOsseehpe ffe:rrtsroo:ammti nGDgee Anbetc rScaeolru Fvnuitcn ed $$ 377 , 4 -59 - $ 113,4 -15 - $ 131737,,441559 - ISBMntaaovntneekes ByUtm onMaietarnerdtdk so Ce:ftD A A 1dc2mcMoinuTinsttration (SBA) 15 335701,,,702906806 --- 15 335701,,,702906806 SePPRRRrirreeeeeessvsppeee 2rraan0vvyyu1eemme 7RReeR--nn12-tt1 RR &--12 R-2 ----- 139249 3258,,,,87890135 390190 139249 3258,,,,8789 0135390190 PDreeppoasiidts Expenses -- -- -- Total Assets $ 1,096,522 $ 1,584,754 $ 2,681,276 Liabilities: ADDuucceeo ttuoon GDteesnb Peta rSyaealr bFvluiecned $ 113,4 -15 - $ - -- $ 113 , 4 -15 - Total Liabilites $ 113,415 $ - $ 113,415 Fund Balance: RAUesnCDssaaeitsgprbsniitictge Satndeel edrRfodv efroisc:re e:r ves $ 983,1 -08 - $ 1,584,754 -- $ 1, 598843,,715048 - Total Fund Balances $ 983,108 $ 1,584,754 $ 2,567,861 Total Liabilities & Fund Balance $ 1,096,522 $ 1,584,754 $ 2,681,276 Poinciana West Community Development District Combined Balance Sheet December 31, 2024 161 of 199 Community Development District General Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance For The Period Ending December 31, 2024 Adopted Budget PTrhorrua t1e2d/ B3u1d/g2e4t ThruA 1c2tu/a3l1/24 Variance Revenues: ISPMnpritoesecpcreieealrsllatt y AnI nsCescooeounsmssvm eeRyeeanvntescn e-u TFeaexe sRoll $ 2 29 01 ,, 02 09 -- $ 2 6 52 ,, 01 06 03 -- $ 2 6 352 ,,, 179 226 233 - $ 3 , 97 - 22 23 - Total Revenues $ 311,299 $ 267,163 $ 271,808 $ 4,645 Expenditures: General & Administrative: IISLPPPPEETTAAAAAOODDMWnneurronnRttrrseniftuattfsefsiohsbugspl-ooggoninuenesebtFipacesiirrreeautsstrsapeItnnlrennrmi,rsmegiaC a g na hAeetrLvmSeeCeenelaAegtgieeiiodu yy y un cAsctme&eF Mrrn iv&pe eo-rnaAouii e e Ree rnnnrpaPD tGnetpdB renie sFigglrsAoe teipnniieTbtoie tennn-l dsrstatFpi eesieP d aevmCte&Ancseneirreihehggrsin aoarSsnetnealypgynur inorL escbCgltiterosaerotcgabysnryti ivCilpoieotntyynio/avnPnesucyebalnicc eOfficials $ 124 1223334556035 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12447880001222345568 00555670000000005567 00005790000000000056 --- - $ 1 135550 ,,,,,, 111223668902557 5001112257800055 0000555557800000 ------- $ 1 4550 ,,,, 112346889229 14011125677056 106003355579008 -------- $ 3 ( , 113972 33344600395 080128900790 -----------) Total General & Administrative $ 119,742 $ 35,259 $ 30,010 $ 5,249 Poinciana West 162 of 199 Community Development District General Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance For The Period Ending December 31, 2024 Adopted Budget PTrhorrua t1e2d/ B3u1d/g2e4t ThruA 1c2tu/a3l1/24 Variance Poinciana West Operations & Maintenance Grounds Maintenance SFLCCRAAitaaoqq&oenuupnrMlddaamitit sttanPSii cScclelga atOCMreprnvunoueitidncc ctRMtylegtuareseayorp ieMlnl aMRtaeceaiennpimantaenteienrcnnseatanncece $ 1112266 30015789,,,,,,,,000012340000014400000079 $ 11 2235677 ,,,,,,, 137057780150025802300057 11 2667 ,,,, 4678 1728 1457 ---- $ 235 ( ,,, 470571 659005 ( 08009000)) Subtotal Grounds Maintenance $ 224,106 $ 56,026 $ 43,696 $ 12,330 Total Operations & Maintenance $ 224,106 $ 56,026 $ 43,696 $ 12,330 Total Expenditures $ 343,848 $ 91,285 $ 73,706 $ 17,579 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $ (32,549) $ 175,877 $ 198,102 $ 22,224 Net Change in Fund Balance $ (32,549) $ 175,877 $ 198,102 $ 22,224 Fund Balance - Beginning $ 32,549 $ 785,006 Fund Balance - Ending $ 0 $ 983,108 163 of 199 Poinciana West Community Development District Debt Service Fund Series 2017R-1 & 2017R-2 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance For The Period Ending December 31, 2024 Adopted Budget PTrhorrua t1e2d/ B3u1d/g2e4t ThruA 1c2tu/a3l1/24 Variance Revenues: ISSnppteeeccriieaasllt AAInssssceeossmssmmeeennttss -- PTraexp Raoylml ents $ 1 , 0 4 0 , 3 6 1 -- $ 9 3 , 7 3 9 -- $ 9 3 73 ,, 07 33 29 - $ 7 , 0 3 2 -- Total Revenues $ 1,040,361 $ 933,739 $ 940,771 $ 7,032 Expenditures: Series 2017R-1 IISSPnnpprttieeeenccrrciieeiaapsslltt a CC--l aa 15-ll /15ll 1--// 1511/11/1 $ 114 556 577 ,,, 000 077 011 -- $ 1 5 7 , 0 7 1 --- $ 1 15 07 ,, 00 07 01 -- $ ( 1 0 , 0 0 --) Series 2017R-2 IISPnnprttieeencrrcieeiapssltt a C--l a 15-l /15l 1-// 1111/1 $ 1 551 550 ,,, 000 440 - $ 5 , 5 0 4 --- $ 5 55 ,, 05 00 04 -- $ ( 5 , 0 0 ---) Property Appraiser 11,200 - - - Total Expenditures $ 1,011,350 $ 212,575 $ 227,575 $ (15,000) Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $ 29,011 $ 721,164 $ 713,196 $ (7,968) Net Change in Fund Balance $ 29,011 $ 721,164 $ 713,196 $ (7,968) Fund Balance - Beginning $ 338,409 $ 871,558 Fund Balance - Ending $ 367,420 $ 1,584,754 164 of 199 Poinciana West Community Development District Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Total Revenues: Special Assessments IPMnritosecpreeelrslatt ynI nCecooounmsv eeRyeavnecn e-u TFeaexe sRoll $ 1 , 89 - 12 05 - $ 7 126 ,,, 998 193 368 - $ 1 8 25 ,, 03 02 15 -- $ - --- $ - --- $ - --- $ - --- $ - --- $ - --- $ - --- $ - --- $ - --- $ 2 6 352 ,,, 791 226 233 - Total Revenues $ 2,735 $ 81,747 $ 187,326 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 271,808 Expenditures: General & Administrative: Supervisor Fees - $ 600 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 600 $ PR-FICA - 46 - - - - - - - - - - 46 Engineering - - - - - - - - - - - - - Engineering - Property Conveyance - - - - - - - - - - - - - Attorney 488 4,481 - - - - - - - - - - 4,968 Attorney - Property Conveyance - - - - - - - - - - - - - Annual Audit - - - - - - - - - - - - - Assessment Administration 5,250 - - - - - - - - - - - 5,250 Arbitrage Rebate - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dissemination Agent 306 306 306 - - - - - - - - - 919 Trustee Fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - Management Fees 3,605 3,605 3,605 - - - - - - - - - 10,815 Information Technology 108 108 108 - - - - - - - - - 325 Website Maintenance 72 72 72 - - - - - - - - - 217 Telephone - - - - - - - - - - - - - Postage & Delivery 24 124 1 - - - - - - - - - 150 Insurance General Liability/Public Officials 5,200 - - - - - - - - - - - 5,200 Printing & Binding - - 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 Legal Advertising 280 593 - - - - - - - - - - 873 Other Current Charges 257 71 135 - - - - - - - - - 463 Office Supplies 0 - 10 - - - - - - - - - 10 Property Appraiser - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dues, Licenses & Subscriptions 175 - - - - - - - - - - - 175 Total General & Administrative 15,765 $ 10,007 $ 4,238 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 30,010 $ Month to Month 165 of 199 Poinciana West Community Development District Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Total Month to Month Operations & Maintenance Grounds Maintenance SFLCRAAitaoqq&oenuunrMlddaatmi sttnPSii cSccelga atCMreprnvunoeiitdncc cMRtyegturesearop ieMlnl aMRtaeceaiennpimantaenteienrcnnseatanncece $ 255 ,,, 9258 2237 8468 --- $ 255 ,,, 9258 2237 8468 --- $ 255 ,,, 9258 2237 8468 --- $ - ------ $ - ------ $ - ------ $ - ------ $ - ------ $ - ------ $ - ------ $ - ------ $ - ------ $ 11 2667 ,,,, 4678 1278 1457 --- Subtotal Grounds Maintenance $ 14,565 $ 14,565 $ 14,565 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 43,696 Total Operations & Maintenance $ 14,565 $ 14,565 $ 14,565 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 43,696 Total Expenditures $ 30,330 $ 24,572 $ 18,804 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 73,706 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $ (27,595) $ 57,175 $ 168,522 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 198,102 Other Financing Sources/Uses: Transfer In/(Out) - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Other Financing Sources/Uses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Net Change in Fund Balance $ (27,595) $ 57,175 $ 168,522 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 198,102 166 of 199 Poinciana West Community Development District Long Term Debt Report IRRRMneeeatssseteeeurrrrervvviseeetty RFFF Dauuuatnnnetddde: :BRDaeelqfaiunniicrteeiomnent 50% o25f M/%1a -/x 42i$m.0 3333u99%7m25,, 38A33n70nual Debt Service LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLBeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeosssssssssssssssssnsssssssssssssssssd::::::::::::::::: sSSSSSSSSSPPPPPPPP pppppppppOrrrrrrrriiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeunnnnnnnnccccccccctcccccccciiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaatppppppppllllllllla aaaaaaaaCCCCCCCCCnllllllllaaaaaaaaad PPPPPPPPlllllllllilllllllllaaaaaaaan ---------yyyyyyyyg 111155555mmmmmmmm -/////1111 eeeeeeee111111////nnnnnnnn2/////1111tttttttt/12222 ////--------2 0122222495555555500124/////////111111112////////0111222221012347896 $1((((((((1$$$$$$$$((((((((,233444444$$$$$$$$(01111111112235889$000005555555555555,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000))))))))))))))))) Current Bonds Outstanding $7,705,000 IRRRMneeeatssseteeeurrrrervvviseeetty RFFF Dauuuatnnnetddde: :BRDaeelqfaiunniicrteeiomnent 50%5 o.35f 7M/51a%/x2i$ -m0 11 53u22.77m12%,, 89A21n61nual Debt Service LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLBeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeossssssssssssssssssnssssssssssssssssssd:::::::::::::::::: sSSSSSSSSSSPPPPPPPP ppppppppppOrrrrrrrriiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeunnnnnnnncccccccccctcccccccciiiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaatpppppppplllllllllla aaaaaaaaCCCCCCCCCCnllllllllaaaaaaaaaad PPPPPPPPllllllllllillllllllllaaaaaaaan ----------yyyyyyyyg 1111555555mmmmmmmm -//////1111 eeeeeeee1111111////nnnnnnnn2//////1111tttttttt/122222 ////--------2 01222223495555555500124/////////111111112////////0111222221012347896 $(((2$$$((((((((((,1119$$$$$$$$$$(((((00223344488999$$$$$0000000055555555555,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)))))))))))))))))) Current Bonds Outstanding $1,985,000 Total Bonds Outstanding $9,690,000 Series 2017-1 Senior Special Assessment Refunding Bonds Series 2017-2 Subordinate Special Assessment Refunding Bonds 167 of 199 MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENTS CertifieGdr Nosest AAsssseessssmmeennttss $$ 230889,,280902..2745 Date Distribution Gross Assessments Received Discounts/Penalties Commissions Paid Interest Income Net Assessments Received General Fund 11/12/24 10/21-10/21 $ 4,383.67 $220.65 $83.26 $ 4,079.76 $ 4,079.76 11/15/24 10/1-10/31 $ 1,305.99 $52.22 $25.08 $ 1,228.69 $ 1,228.69 11/21/24 11/1-11/07 $ 30,970.62 $1,238.36 $594.64 $ 29,137.62 $ 29,137.62 11/26/24 11/8-11/15 $ 45,056.03 $1,799.36 $865.13 $ 42,391.54 $ 42,391.54 12/6..27 11/16-11/26 $ 63,677.71 $2,543.72 $1,222.68 $ 59,911.31 $ 59,911.31 12/20/24 11/27-11/30 $ 111,949.46 $ 4,483.46 $ 2,149.32 $ 105,316.68 $ 105,316.68 12/27/24 12/01-12/15 $ 21,262.96 $ 755.58 $ 410.14 $ 20,097.24 $ 20,097.24 Total Collected $ 278,606.44 $ 11,093.35 $ 5,350.25 $ - $ 262,162.84 $ 262,162.84 Percentage Collected 91% DEBT SERVICE ASSESSMENTS CertifieGdr Nosest AAsssseessssmmeennttss $$ 11,,010269,,276936..2967 Date Distribution Gross Assessments Received Discounts/Penalties Commissions Paid Interest Income Net Assessments Received Debt Service Fund 11/12/24 10/21-10/21 $ 16,132.00 $812.15 $306.40 $ 15,013.45 $ 15,013.45 11/15/24 10/1-10/31 $ 4,119.48 $164.78 $79.09 $ 3,875.61 $ 3,875.61 11/21/25 11/1-11/07 $ 105,733.32 $4,229.07 $2,030.09 $ 99,474.16 $ 99,474.16 11/26/24 11/8-11/15 $ 158,940.98 $6,349.17 $3,051.84 $ 149,539.97 $ 149,539.97 12/6..27 11/16-11/26 $ 225,409.30 $9,006.96 $4,328.05 $ 212,074.29 $ 212,074.29 12/20/24 11/27-11/30 $ 405,109.66 $ 16,230.19 $ 7,777.59 $ 381,101.88 $ 381,101.88 12/27/24 12/01-12/15 $ 76,874.93 $ 2,732.60 $ 1,482.85 $ 72,659.48 $ 72,659.48 Total Collected $ 992,319.67 $ 39,524.92 $ 19,055.91 $ - $ 933,738.84 $ 933,738.84 Percentage Collected 91% Poinciana West Community Development District Special Assessment Receipts Fiscal Year 2025 168 of 199 Institution Transfer Dates Transfer Amounts Current Balances as of 12/31/2024 Investment Type Maturity Dates Current Interest Rates Florida Prime (SBA) $ 37,797.59 Florida Government Investment Pool N/A 4.70% Bank United *5374 10/25/23 $150,000.00 $ - 6 Month CD - MATURED 4/25/24 5.25% Bank United *5372 10/25/23 $150,000.00 $ - 12 Month CD - MATURED 10/25/24 5.50% Bank United *0859 7/31/24 $150,000.00 $ 150,000.00 12 Month CD 7/31/25 5.50% Bank United $ 531,266.07 Money Market Account N/A 4.00% $ 719,063.66 Total Invested Balance Poinciana West Community Development District Investment Summary 169 of 199 SECTION D 170 of 199 SECTION 1 171 of 199 SECTION 2 177 of 199 SECTION 3 179 of 199 Poinciana West Community Dev. Dist. (P07800) - Service Report Treatment Date Service Order No Asgmt Arg No Technician Primary Licensee Name Primary License Name Primary License No Customer Address Customer City Cust. State Cust. Zip 11/07/2024 0000218973 1 (0) 1000002502 Christian Oliver Christian Oliver Applicator ID JE299039 Cypress Pkwy. and Solivita Blvd. Poinciana FL 34759 Job Instructions Comments Truck KIS-1: Precipitation Cloud Cover % Wind Velocity Wind Direction Temperature On The Job Minutes Job Timestamp Start Job Timestamp End Job Status Service Kit Treatment Clouds 1-10 MPH North 74 °F 18 11/07/2024 22:09 PM 11/07/2024 22:27 PM Complete KIS2827 - Biomist 4+4 Truck ULV Ground Site ID Latitude Longitude Chemical Used Quantity Dosage Rate Actual Dosage Rate Start Mileage End Mileage Units Treated Start Time Stamp End Time Stamp Action Threshold 1 28.132200 2410889 - 81.499000549 3164 SE11098 - CEMM SOUTH BIOMIST 4+4 GALLON EPA #: 8329-35 0.490 gal 0.16 gal 0.000 0 4 4 mi 11/07/2024 22:09 11/07/2024 22:26 Past Years’ Experience Total Chemical Used: 0.49 Total Miles: 4 Clarke 3036 Michigan Avenue Kissimmee, FL 34744 (800) 443-2034 180 of 199 Poinciana West Community Dev. Dist. (P07800) - Service Report Treatment Date Service Order No Asgmt Arg No Technician Primary Licensee Name Primary License Name Primary License No Customer Address Customer City Cust. State Cust. Zip 11/15/2024 0000219056 1 (0) 1000002502 Christian Oliver Christian Oliver Applicator ID JE299039 Cypress Pkwy. and Solivita Blvd. Poinciana FL 34759 Job Instructions Comments Truck KIS-1: Precipitation Cloud Cover % Wind Velocity Wind Direction Temperature On The Job Minutes Job Timestamp Start Job Timestamp End Job Status Service Kit Treatment Clouds 1-10 MPH North 71 °F 19 11/15/2024 18:00 PM 11/15/2024 18:19 PM Complete KIS2715 - Biomist 4+4 ATV/ULV Ground Site ID Latitude Longitude Chemical Used Quantity Dosage Rate Actual Dosage Rate Start Mileage End Mileage Units Treated Start Time Stamp End Time Stamp Action Threshold 1 28.129600 5249023 - 81.497596740 7227 SE11098 - CEMM SOUTH BIOMIST 4+4 GALLON EPA #: 8329-35 0.350 gal 0.12 gal 0.000 0 1.5 1.5 mi 11/15/2024 18:00 11/15/2024 18:19 Past Years’ Experience Total Chemical Used: 0.35 Total Miles: 1.5 Clarke 3036 Michigan Avenue Kissimmee, FL 34744 (800) 443-2034 181 of 199 Poinciana West Community Dev. Dist. (P07800) - Service Report Treatment Date Service Order No Asgmt Arg No Technician Primary Licensee Name Primary License Name Primary License No Customer Address Customer City Cust. State Cust. Zip 11/18/2024 0000219716 1 (0) 1000002502 Elek Foos Elek Foos Applicator ID JE350894 Cypress Pkwy. and Solivita Blvd. Poinciana FL 34759 Job Instructions Comments NATULAR G30 @ 10 LBS/ACRE 4.17 TOTAL ACRES 41.67 LBS TOTAL SITE 5 = 5.3 LBS SITE 8 = 22.3 LBS SITE 9 = 7.1 LBS SITE 15 = 7 LBS Precipitation Cloud Cover % Wind Velocity Wind Direction Temperature On The Job Minutes Job Timestamp Start Job Timestamp End Job Status Service Kit Treatment Clear 1-10 MPH North 80 °F 240 11/18/2024 11:05 AM 11/18/2024 15:05 PM Complete KIS1768 - Nat G30 10 lbs per acre Ground Site ID Latitude Longitude Treated Acreage Chemical Used Quantity Dosage Rate Actual Dosage Rate Treatment Site Time Units Treated Action Threshold Adverse Effects Check 001-0001 28.1212 -81.4981 2.835 SV11820 - NATULAR G30 GRANULE 40LB BAG EPA #: 8329-83 5.300 lbs 1.27 lbs 0.000 2.83454 acres Habitat Conditions Yes 001-0002 28.1305 -81.4956 3.218 SV11820 - NATULAR G30 GRANULE 40LB BAG EPA #: 8329-83 7.000 lbs 1.68 lbs 0.000 3.21808 acres Habitat Conditions Yes 001-0008 28.1321 -81.5 13.901 SV11820 - NATULAR G30 GRANULE 40LB BAG EPA #: 8329-83 22.300 lbs 5.35 lbs 0.000 13.9006 acres Habitat Conditions Yes 001-0015 28.1373 -81.5102 3.411 SV11820 - NATULAR G30 GRANULE 40LB BAG EPA #: 8329-83 7.100 lbs 1.70 lbs 0.000 3.41086 acres Habitat Conditions Yes Clarke 3036 Michigan Avenue Kissimmee, FL 34744 (800) 443-2034 182 of 199 Poinciana West Community Dev. Dist. (P07800) - Service Report Treatment Date Service Order No Asgmt Arg No Technician Primary Licensee Name Primary License Name Primary License No Customer Address Customer City Cust. State Cust. Zip 11/18/2024 0000219721 1 (0) 1000002502 Elek Foos Elek Foos Applicator ID JE350894 Cypress Pkwy. and Solivita Blvd. Poinciana FL 34759 Job Instructions Comments STRIKE @ 10 LBS PER ACRE .41 TOTAL ACRES 4.12 LBS TOTAL SITE 6 = 4.1 LBS Precipitation Cloud Cover % Wind Velocity Wind Direction Temperature On The Job Minutes Job Timestamp Start Job Timestamp End Job Status Service Kit Treatment Clear 1-10 MPH North 75 °F 20 11/18/2024 10:25 AM 11/18/2024 10:45 AM Complete KIS1818 - Strike Pellets 10lbs/acre Ground Site ID Latitude Longitude Treated Acreage Chemical Used Quantity Dosage Rate Actual Dosage Rate Treatment Site Time Units Treated 001-0006 28.1244 -81.4976 1.023 SV37720B - STRIKE PELLETS 2x22lb cs EPA #: 2724-448 4.100 lbs 10.00 lbs 0.000 1.02323 acres Clarke 3036 Michigan Avenue Kissimmee, FL 34744 (800) 443-2034 183 of 199 Poinciana West Community Dev. Dist. (P07800) - Service Report Treatment Date Service Order No Asgmt Arg No Technician Primary Licensee Name Primary License Name Primary License No Customer Address Customer City Cust. State Cust. Zip 11/22/2024 0000219674 1 (0) 1000002502 Christian Oliver Christian Oliver Applicator ID JE299039 Cypress Pkwy. and Solivita Blvd. Poinciana FL 34759 Job Instructions Comments Truck KIS-1: Precipitation Cloud Cover % Wind Velocity Wind Direction Temperature On The Job Minutes Job Timestamp Start Job Timestamp End Job Status Service Kit Treatment Clear 1-10 MPH North 53 °F 18 11/22/2024 22:15 PM 11/22/2024 22:33 PM Complete KIS2827 - Biomist 4+4 Truck ULV Ground Site ID Latitude Longitude Chemical Used Quantity Dosage Rate Actual Dosage Rate Start Mileage End Mileage Units Treated Start Time Stamp End Time Stamp Action Threshold 1 28.132200 2410889 - 81.499000549 3164 SE11098 - CEMM SOUTH BIOMIST 4+4 GALLON EPA #: 8329-35 0.490 gal 0.16 gal 0.000 0 4 4 mi 11/22/2024 22:15 11/22/2024 22:33 Past Years’ Experience Total Chemical Used: 0.49 Total Miles: 4 Clarke 3036 Michigan Avenue Kissimmee, FL 34744 (800) 443-2034 184 of 199 Poinciana West Community Dev. Dist. (P07800) - Service Report Treatment Date Service Order No Asgmt Arg No Technician Primary Licensee Name Primary License Name Primary License No Customer Address Customer City Cust. State Cust. Zip 11/25/2024 0000219627 1 (0) 1000002502 Elek Foos Elek Foos Applicator ID JE350894 Cypress Pkwy. and Solivita Blvd. Poinciana FL 34759 Job Instructions Comments Truck KIS-1: Precipitation Cloud Cover % Wind Velocity Wind Direction Temperature On The Job Minutes Job Timestamp Start Job Timestamp End Job Status Service Kit Treatment Clear 1-10 MPH North 75 °F 20 11/25/2024 13:52 PM 11/25/2024 14:12 PM Complete KIS2715 - Biomist 4+4 ATV/ULV Ground Site ID Latitude Longitude Chemical Used Quantity Dosage Rate Actual Dosage Rate Start Mileage End Mileage Units Treated Start Time Stamp End Time Stamp Action Threshold 1 28.129600 5249023 - 81.497596740 7227 SE11098 - CEMM SOUTH BIOMIST 4+4 GALLON EPA #: 8329-35 0.430 gal 0.14 gal 0.000 0 3 3 mi 11/25/2024 13:53 11/25/2024 14:12 Past Years’ Experience Total Chemical Used: 0.43 Total Miles: 3 Clarke 3036 Michigan Avenue Kissimmee, FL 34744 (800) 443-2034 185 of 199 Poinciana West Community Dev. Dist. (P07800) - Service Report Treatment Date Service Order No Asgmt Arg No Technician Primary Licensee Name Primary License Name Primary License No Customer Address Customer City Cust. State Cust. Zip 01/03/2025 0000219714 1 (0) 1000002502 Elek Foos Elek Foos Applicator ID JE350894 Cypress Pkwy. and Solivita Blvd. Poinciana FL 34759 Job Instructions Comments NATULAR G30 @ 10 LBS/ACRE 4.17 TOTAL ACRES 41.67 LBS TOTAL SITE 1 = 5.3 LBS SITE 8 = 22.3 LBS SITE 2 = 7.1 LBS Precipitation Cloud Cover % Wind Velocity Wind Direction Temperature On The Job Minutes Job Timestamp Start Job Timestamp End Job Status Service Kit Treatment Clear 1-10 MPH North 68 °F 72 01/03/2025 09:31 AM 01/03/2025 10:43 AM Complete KIS1768 - Nat G30 10 lbs per acre Ground Site ID Latitude Longitude Treated Acreage Chemical Used Quantity Dosage Rate Actual Dosage Rate Treatment Site Time Units Treated Action Threshold Adverse Effects Check 001-0001 28.1212 -81.4981 2.835 SV11820 - NATULAR G30 GRANULE 40LB BAG EPA #: 8329-83 5.300 lbs 1.53 lbs 0.000 2.83454 acres Habitat Conditions Yes 001-0002 28.1305 -81.4956 3.218 SV11820 - NATULAR G30 GRANULE 40LB BAG EPA #: 8329-83 22.300 lbs 6.43 lbs 0.000 3.21808 acres Habitat Conditions Yes 001-0008 28.1321 -81.5 13.901 SV11820 - NATULAR G30 GRANULE 40LB BAG EPA #: 8329-83 7.100 lbs 2.05 lbs 0.000 13.9006 acres Habitat Conditions Yes Clarke 3036 Michigan Avenue Kissimmee, FL 34744 (800) 443-2034 186 of 199 Poinciana West Community Dev. Dist. (P07800) - Service Report Treatment Date Service Order No Asgmt Arg No Technician Primary Licensee Name Primary License Name Primary License No Customer Address Customer City Cust. State Cust. Zip 01/03/2025 0000219727 1 (0) 1000002502 Elek Foos Elek Foos Applicator ID JE350894 Cypress Pkwy. and Solivita Blvd. Poinciana FL 34759 Job Instructions Comments STRIKE @ 10 LBS PER ACRE .41 TOTAL ACRES 4.12 LBS TOTAL SITE 6 = 4.1 LBS Precipitation Cloud Cover % Wind Velocity Wind Direction Temperature On The Job Minutes Job Timestamp Start Job Timestamp End Job Status Service Kit Treatment Clear 1-10 MPH North 68 °F 29 01/03/2025 09:00 AM 01/03/2025 09:29 AM Complete KIS1818 - Strike Pellets 10lbs/acre Ground Site ID Latitude Longitude Treated Acreage Chemical Used Quantity Dosage Rate Actual Dosage Rate Treatment Site Time Units Treated 001-0006 28.1244 -81.4976 1.023 SV37720B - STRIKE PELLETS 2x22lb cs EPA #: 2724-448 4.100 lbs 10.00 lbs 0.000 1.02323 acres Clarke 3036 Michigan Avenue Kissimmee, FL 34744 (800) 443-2034 187 of 199 Poinciana West Community Dev. Dist. (P07800) - Service Report Treatment Date Service Order No Asgmt Arg No Technician Primary Licensee Name Primary License Name Primary License No Customer Address Customer City Cust. State Cust. Zip 12/05/2024 0000219635 1 (0) 1000002502 Elek Foos Elek Foos Applicator ID JE350894 Cypress Pkwy. and Solivita Blvd. Poinciana FL 34759 Job Instructions Comments Truck KIS-1: Precipitation Cloud Cover % Wind Velocity Wind Direction Temperature On The Job Minutes Job Timestamp Start Job Timestamp End Job Status Service Kit Treatment Clear 1-10 MPH North 63 °F 16 12/05/2024 12:40 PM 12/05/2024 12:56 PM Complete KIS2715 - Biomist 4+4 ATV/ULV Ground Site ID Latitude Longitude Chemical Used Quantity Dosage Rate Actual Dosage Rate Start Mileage End Mileage Units Treated Start Time Stamp End Time Stamp Action Threshold 1 28.129600 5249023 - 81.497596740 7227 SE11098 - CEMM SOUTH BIOMIST 4+4 GALLON EPA #: 8329-35 0.430 gal 0.14 gal 0.000 0 3 3 mi 12/05/2024 12:41 12/05/2024 12:56 Past Years’ Experience Total Chemical Used: 0.43 Total Miles: 3 Clarke 3036 Michigan Avenue Kissimmee, FL 34744 (800) 443-2034 188 of 199 Poinciana West Community Dev. Dist. (P07800) - Service Report Treatment Date Service Order No Asgmt Arg No Technician Primary Licensee Name Primary License Name Primary License No Customer Address Customer City Cust. State Cust. Zip 12/05/2024 0000219672 1 (0) 1000002502 Christian Oliver Christian Oliver Applicator ID JE299039 Cypress Pkwy. and Solivita Blvd. Poinciana FL 34759 Job Instructions Comments Truck KIS-1: Precipitation Cloud Cover % Wind Velocity Wind Direction Temperature On The Job Minutes Job Timestamp Start Job Timestamp End Job Status Service Kit Treatment Clear 1-10 MPH North 55 °F 17 12/05/2024 22:49 PM 12/05/2024 23:06 PM Complete KIS2827 - Biomist 4+4 Truck ULV Ground Site ID Latitude Longitude Chemical Used Quantity Dosage Rate Actual Dosage Rate Start Mileage End Mileage Units Treated Start Time Stamp End Time Stamp Action Threshold 1 28.132200 2410889 - 81.499000549 3164 SE11098 - CEMM SOUTH BIOMIST 4+4 GALLON EPA #: 8329-35 0.490 gal 0.16 gal 0.000 0 4 4 mi 12/05/2024 22:49 12/05/2024 23:05 Past Years’ Experience Total Chemical Used: 0.49 Total Miles: 4 Clarke 3036 Michigan Avenue Kissimmee, FL 34744 (800) 443-2034 189 of 199 Poinciana West Community Dev. Dist. (P07800) - Service Report Treatment Date Service Order No Asgmt Arg No Technician Primary Licensee Name Primary License Name Primary License No Customer Address Customer City Cust. State Cust. Zip 12/12/2024 0000219633 1 (0) 1000002502 Matt Robinson Matt Robinson Applicator ID PENDING Cypress Pkwy. and Solivita Blvd. Poinciana FL 34759 Job Instructions Comments Truck KIS-1: Precipitation Cloud Cover % Wind Velocity Wind Direction Temperature On The Job Minutes Job Timestamp Start Job Timestamp End Job Status Service Kit Treatment Clear 1-10 MPH North 64 °F 33 12/12/2024 13:29 PM 12/12/2024 14:02 PM Complete KIS2715 - Biomist 4+4 ATV/ULV Ground Site ID Latitude Longitude Chemical Used Quantity Dosage Rate Actual Dosage Rate Start Mileage End Mileage Units Treated Start Time Stamp End Time Stamp Action Threshold 1 28.129600 5249023 - 81.497596740 7227 SE11098 - CEMM SOUTH BIOMIST 4+4 GALLON EPA #: 8329-35 0.440 gal 0.15 gal 0.000 0 4.3 4.3 mi 12/12/2024 13:34 12/12/2024 14:01 Past Years’ Experience Total Chemical Used: 0.44 Total Miles: 4.3 Clarke 3036 Michigan Avenue Kissimmee, FL 34744 (800) 443-2034 190 of 199 Poinciana West Community Dev. Dist. (P07800) - Service Report Treatment Date Service Order No Asgmt Arg No Technician Primary Licensee Name Primary License Name Primary License No Customer Address Customer City Cust. State Cust. Zip 12/12/2024 0000219689 1 (0) 1000002502 Christian Oliver Christian Oliver Applicator ID JE299039 Cypress Pkwy. and Solivita Blvd. Poinciana FL 34759 Job Instructions Comments Truck KIS-1: Precipitation Cloud Cover % Wind Velocity Wind Direction Temperature On The Job Minutes Job Timestamp Start Job Timestamp End Job Status Service Kit Treatment Clear 1-10 MPH North 52 °F 17 12/12/2024 22:12 PM 12/12/2024 22:29 PM Complete KIS2827 - Biomist 4+4 Truck ULV Ground Site ID Latitude Longitude Chemical Used Quantity Dosage Rate Actual Dosage Rate Start Mileage End Mileage Units Treated Start Time Stamp End Time Stamp Action Threshold 1 28.132200 2410889 - 81.499000549 3164 SE11098 - CEMM SOUTH BIOMIST 4+4 GALLON EPA #: 8329-35 0.500 gal 0.17 gal 0.000 0 4 4 mi 12/12/2024 22:12 12/12/2024 22:28 Past Years’ Experience Total Chemical Used: 0.5 Total Miles: 4 Clarke 3036 Michigan Avenue Kissimmee, FL 34744 (800) 443-2034 191 of 199 Poinciana West Community Dev. Dist. (P07800) - Service Report Treatment Date Service Order No Asgmt Arg No Technician Primary Licensee Name Primary License Name Primary License No Customer Address Customer City Cust. State Cust. Zip 12/16/2024 0000219634 1 (0) 1000002502 Matt Robinson Matt Robinson Applicator ID PENDING Cypress Pkwy. and Solivita Blvd. Poinciana FL 34759 Job Instructions Comments Truck KIS-1: finished about 1/4 of job Precipitation Cloud Cover % Wind Velocity Wind Direction Temperature On The Job Minutes Job Timestamp Start Job Timestamp End Job Status Service Kit Treatment Rain 1-10 MPH North 77 °F 10 12/16/2024 13:53 PM 12/16/2024 14:03 PM Complete KIS2715 - Biomist 4+4 ATV/ULV Ground Site ID Latitude Longitude Chemical Used Quantity Dosage Rate Actual Dosage Rate Start Mileage End Mileage Units Treated Start Time Stamp End Time Stamp Action Threshold 1 28.129600 5249023 - 81.497596740 7227 SE11098 - CEMM SOUTH BIOMIST 4+4 GALLON EPA #: 8329-35 0.110 gal 0.04 gal 0.000 0 0.07 0.07 mi 12/16/2024 13:54 12/16/2024 14:02 Past Years’ Experience Total Chemical Used: 0.11 Total Miles: 0.07 Clarke 3036 Michigan Avenue Kissimmee, FL 34744 (800) 443-2034 192 of 199 Poinciana West Community Dev. Dist. (P07800) - Service Report Treatment Date Service Order No Asgmt Arg No Technician Primary Licensee Name Primary License Name Primary License No Customer Address Customer City Cust. State Cust. Zip 12/19/2024 0000219703 1 (0) 1000002502 Christian Oliver Christian Oliver Applicator ID JE299039 Cypress Pkwy. and Solivita Blvd. Poinciana FL 34759 Job Instructions Comments Truck KIS-1: Precipitation Cloud Cover % Wind Velocity Wind Direction Temperature On The Job Minutes Job Timestamp Start Job Timestamp End Job Status Service Kit Treatment Clear 1-10 MPH North 66 °F 18 12/19/2024 22:27 PM 12/19/2024 22:45 PM Complete KIS2827 - Biomist 4+4 Truck ULV Ground Site ID Latitude Longitude Chemical Used Quantity Dosage Rate Actual Dosage Rate Start Mileage End Mileage Units Treated Start Time Stamp End Time Stamp Action Threshold 1 28.132200 2410889 - 81.499000549 3164 SE11098 - CEMM SOUTH BIOMIST 4+4 GALLON EPA #: 8329-35 0.500 gal 0.17 gal 0.000 0 4 4 mi 12/19/2024 22:28 12/19/2024 22:44 Past Years’ Experience Total Chemical Used: 0.5 Total Miles: 4 Clarke 3036 Michigan Avenue Kissimmee, FL 34744 (800) 443-2034 193 of 199 Poinciana West Community Dev. Dist. (P07800) - Service Report Treatment Date Service Order No Asgmt Arg No Technician Primary Licensee Name Primary License Name Primary License No Customer Address Customer City Cust. State Cust. Zip 12/23/2024 0000219632 1 (0) 1000002502 Matt Robinson Matt Robinson Applicator ID PENDING Cypress Pkwy. and Solivita Blvd. Poinciana FL 34759 Job Instructions Comments Truck KIS-1: Precipitation Cloud Cover % Wind Velocity Wind Direction Temperature On The Job Minutes Job Timestamp Start Job Timestamp End Job Status Service Kit Treatment Clear 1-10 MPH North 73 °F 30 12/23/2024 13:09 PM 12/23/2024 13:39 PM Complete KIS2715 - Biomist 4+4 ATV/ULV Ground Site ID Latitude Longitude Chemical Used Quantity Dosage Rate Actual Dosage Rate Start Mileage End Mileage Units Treated Start Time Stamp End Time Stamp Action Threshold 1 28.129600 5249023 - 81.497596740 7227 SE11098 - CEMM SOUTH BIOMIST 4+4 GALLON EPA #: 8329-35 0.440 gal 0.15 gal 0.000 0 3.1 3.1 mi 12/23/2024 13:09 12/23/2024 13:38 Past Years’ Experience Total Chemical Used: 0.44 Total Miles: 3.1 Clarke 3036 Michigan Avenue Kissimmee, FL 34744 (800) 443-2034 194 of 199 Poinciana West Community Dev. Dist. (P07800) - Service Report Treatment Date Service Order No Asgmt Arg No Technician Primary Licensee Name Primary License Name Primary License No Customer Address Customer City Cust. State Cust. Zip 12/23/2024 0000219669 1 (0) 1000002502 Christian Oliver Christian Oliver Applicator ID JE299039 Cypress Pkwy. and Solivita Blvd. Poinciana FL 34759 Job Instructions Comments Truck KIS-1: Precipitation Cloud Cover % Wind Velocity Wind Direction Temperature On The Job Minutes Job Timestamp Start Job Timestamp End Job Status Service Kit Treatment Clear 1-10 MPH North 64 °F 15 12/23/2024 22:11 PM 12/23/2024 22:26 PM Complete KIS2827 - Biomist 4+4 Truck ULV Ground Site ID Latitude Longitude Chemical Used Quantity Dosage Rate Actual Dosage Rate Start Mileage End Mileage Units Treated Start Time Stamp End Time Stamp Action Threshold 1 28.132200 2410889 - 81.499000549 3164 SE11098 - CEMM SOUTH BIOMIST 4+4 GALLON EPA #: 8329-35 0.410 gal 0.14 gal 0.000 0 4 4 mi 12/23/2024 22:11 12/23/2024 22:25 Past Years’ Experience Total Chemical Used: 0.41 Total Miles: 4 Clarke 3036 Michigan Avenue Kissimmee, FL 34744 (800) 443-2034 195 of 199 SECTION 4 196 of 199 Customer Complaint Log Poinciana West CDD Date Resident Address Pond Contact Given Complaint Assigned To Resolution Date Resolved Date Reported to Vendor Date Treated by Vendor Midge Activity Reported by Field Made resident aware that the conservation area 12/9/2024 Reese Vanselow 471 Bel Air Way Overgrown trees in nature preserve; wild boars Joel behind the resident home is owned by the HOA per 12/09/2024 N/A. N/A. N/A. Property Appraiser. SECTION 5 198 of 199